Chapter 1

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So I ran. I ran and ran. I was in the middle of nowhere, I didn't know where I was going. I knew I had to run, so I did.

I don't know how long I ran. It was middle of the night and there was no place in sight. I couldn't hide, so I kept running.

I didn't look back even for once. One mistake was enough to send me back to them. I was going to run as far as I could, that was the only thing I could do for that moment.

I hadn't eaten anything for days and now that the adrenaline in my body was less, my knees started shaking. I could feel that I couldn't run any longer.

"Just 5 more minutes, Baek." I tried to encourage myself. I had no idea if running for 5 more minutes would change anything but I had nothing else to do.

But it did.

It changed a lot for me.

I saw the big, glorious stone house at the end of the hill I was standing. It was an understatement to call that place a house. It was like a palace. Even though the house was so big, only two rooms had light in it.

Without thinking anything else, I ran up to the house with all my strength, started ringing the bell outside the house, hoping someone would answer it.

A light turned on in seconds, I realized there was a camera under the bell.

"Please, please help me. I need help!" I said as I was worriedly looking around me. "Please." I repeated once more, desperation obvious in my voice.

There was a loud buzz and the gate was open. I ran past the big and fancy garden and started knocking on the heavy door of the place.

The door was opened by a man in a uniform and then darkness took over me before I could say anyting.

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