Chapter 3

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I knew I couldn't convince Mr. Park. He was such a strong figure compared to me and I was just a timid, lonely guy. I accepted what he offered me, I had no other choice.

I didn't see him in the mornings and I hanged out with Roy and Mrs. Jade. They were both so friendly to me, even Roy stopped acting that serious. It was my 4th day here and we were already getting along like friends. However I still hadn't seen Ophelia, who was Mrs. Jade's daughter.

Mrs. Jade told me that Ophelia went on hunting from time to time and she was on hunt again and I could meet her when she was back.

Despite the fact that I didn't understanding why anyone would go hunting in 2020, I kept my mouth shut.

"Doesn't Mr. Park come home?" I asked as I ate my fruit salad.

"He comes at very late and leaves at very early." Roy said. These people wouldn't give me any extra information for days and I really wanted to find out about Mr. Park.

"I hadn't seen him since my first day here, that's why I asked." I continued eating my salad.

"I'll be in the library." I said as I did every day and all day long. There was nothing else to do. I didn't discover the whole house yet and I honestly didn't want to.

I only liked the library and kitchen. The other parts of the house was too gloomy for me.

Grabbing Romeo and Juliet, but 3rd edition because I thought first edition was so expensive and fragile, I sat on the bench next to the window.

It was nice to see the sunlight, colorful flowers and butterflies on them. I hadn't seen sunlight almost a year.

Before going down that dark hole again, I got back to my book.


I opened my eyes in my bed. I had one of the worst nightmares. My room was completely in darkness, I couldn't figure out whether it was a dream or I was really caught by them again.

I must have screamed when I woke up because I heard someone barge in and open the lights.

I couldn't get a clear vision at first because of the bright light but I felt someone sat on my bed.

"Baek." Two hands held my face. When I got back my vision, I realized it was Mr. Park.

Right in front of me.

In my bed.


Despite the other day, his hair was now a ruffled mess, falling onto his forehead. I was frozen for a bit and then I pulled myself together.

He pulled himself and his hands back. "Are you alright?" He asked in his cold voice.

It was the first time I saw him after 5 days.

I only nodded.

"Answer me, Baekhyun. Did you have a dream?"

"Yes, a nightmare. I thought they were back. I was back there..." I sniffed. I didn't realize I was crying the whole time. "Darkness made it worse, sorry if I woke you up."

"I was already awake." He said. His face had no emotions but I was sure that mine was filled with it. I was terrified, scared but turned on at the same time. The view in front of me was just perfect and I thought I was a pervert for thinking such thing right now.

"Sorry, Mr. Park." I said once more.

"Stop saying that, Baekhyun." He got up from my bed finally, saving me from that awful sexual tension.

"Go to sleep. I'll send Roy to take care of you." He said as he was by the door.

"That's not nee-"

He interrupted me. "That wasn't an offer."

"Mr. Park." I called out for him as was about to leave.

"Can you keep the floor lamp on?" I asked, almost burying myself under the covers. I felt like a scared child.

He just turned on the floor lamp and lefr.

I went back to sleep after Roy came and said that he'd be waiting outside my door. I felt safe after a huge freaking year.

I woke up at night again, realizing a figure sitting on the single chair in the darkest part of my room.

I rubbed my eyes, this could be my mind tricking me since I was so scared tonight. And I was right. The figure was gone once I looked back again.

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