Chapter 22 [M]

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I was reading a book in the library, lying on the sofa that I lay on when I first came here. I remembered the first day I got here. I was so scared and running from something that I had no idea about.

Putting down the book, I thought about how Chanyeol and I met, how we got closer in time and how I found out about all these ancient myths were real.

"What are you thinking about?" Chanyeol appeared on top of me, leaving all his weight on me to make me feel his body.

"You're so heavy." I whined. I played with his hair while he was lying on my chest.

"Stop it, you're a vampire now. You can lift me." He said playfully.

"Hmm..." I acted like I was thinking about it. "Maybe I don't want to. But tonight..." I paused to see his reaction. "Tonight, you have no idea what I'll do to you."

"Baekhyun..." He wrapped his arms around my waist and squeezed me. "Are you going to go full daddy on me?" He whined and looked like a total baby. I felt my member twitch when he called me daddy.

"Oh..." Chanyeol realized its effect on me. "No way..." He said laughing and almost throwing himself on me again, no one could contain him when he was laughing. "I can't believe you have a daddy kink."

"Stop it." I tried to hide my blushed face. I liked taking control and I liked it when... Well, when a huge guy like Chanyeol called me daddy. It made me feel so powerful.

"Why didn't you tell me before?" He said, still smiling. He looked so perfect when he smiled that it felt unreal. His whole face lightened up and his perfect teeth would be seen.

"Because I was too embarrassed to say it." I closed my hands to my face to avoid his playful gaze. It was so cute and I couldn't believe how this guy could look this soft and be rough in bed.

"Don't be, daddy." He playfully said again.

I moved under him. "Now you're making fun of me."

"Are you going to whine like this rather than accepting your kink?" He giggled.

"Shut up." I said, still feeling the heat on my face.

"Make me, daddy." Chanyeol whispered in my ear and ran his tongue under my ear. A shiver went down in my spine.

His soft lips started roaming around on my face and neck. His kisses were tender but heated at the same time. I felt my breathing got shallow and I was embarrassed again. His effect on me...

"I always wanted to fuck you on this couch." He said, going in dark mode right away. How could he do that? How could he be so soft and squishy and then next he was all dark and hot.

I bit my lip. I remembered the dream I had on my firsr days here and I couldn't stop giggling all of a sudden.

"What?" He turned into a confused puppy in the exact moment. This guy...

"When I first came here, I was reading a book and fell asleep while reading it. Then I..." I avoided my gaze. I couldn't believe how he could still make me blush, we were doing nastiest stuff ever but I couldn't even talk about a wet dream.

"I dreamt about you, you were over me, not quite touching me but you were so close. Then you leaned on me and kissed me like how you did now. And then you ground your hips and I was never more turned on before. Then you slightly choked me in my dream as well and all these kinds of things. Then you woke me up." I said hesitantly. The fun in his eyes was pretty clear. He was enjoying this.

"If you call me needy Baekhyun..." I grunted, understanding what he was about to say.

He leaned on me more and closed the gap between us, his lips just a few centimeters away from mine. "But you're so needy Baekkie..." He said, pouting. He started chuckling when he saw how angry and embarrassed I felt at the same time.

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