Chapter 12 [M]

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Full moon was just a few days ahead. Chanyeol was tense. He was always hunting and making phone calls.

I didn't know what he was planning or what the phone calls meant. He barely slept, not even for 2 hours he needed.

"Chanyeol..." I sat on his lap on the couch. He looked so distracted, hair messy from playing with it while on the phone. "What's going on?"

He lowered his hands on my hips and started carressing them. He thought for a while. "I'm getting back up here. The full moon is soon and the Botwolves are extremely silent. The more support we have, the better."

"What do you mean with support?" I was confused. What were they going to do? I was worried for Chanyeol and the though of him fighting with werewolves was making me uncomfortable.

"My brothers and a few friends of mine are coming."

"Your brothers?" I realized I never asked Chanyeol about his family. I knew that Roy was his old friend and that was all. And Ophealia. Well, I knew that Chanyeol saw him only as his friend but Ophelia was definitely thinking something else.

"Yes, not my actual family but my vampire family. Junmyeon is our older brother, then Minseok and his husband Jongdae. The others are my friends that I trust with my life. Jongin, Kyungsoo and Yixing. They're all coming. Also someone you know as well, Ophelia."

I grunted. "Chanyeol..."


"Did you and Ophelia have a past? As..." I couldn't bring myself to say it. I wasn't sure if I wanted to hear it. "As you know... Did you guys... Ever..."

Chanyeo looked me in the eyes. He was smiling after many days.

"What?" I asked, I was clearly confused.

He pulled me to a short kiss, smiling into it. "Baekhyun... You're one of a kind."

I put his hands that were on my face down. "That's not an answer to my question."

He bit his lip playfully. "Well..."

"What's so funny about it? You guys apparently did something and even the memory of it is making you smile?" I pushed his hands that were moving inside my hoodie.

"You're still not answering." I jumped to the side from his lap and crossed my arms. "I hate her. I don't want her to come here and pretend to protect my ass and use this as an excuse to flirt with my man. Stupid ass vampires. You all suck. Literally..."

All of a sudden, I was under Chanyeol and my hands were pinned above me. "I do suck. But only you." He brushed his lips against mine. "You're so cute when you're jealous."

"No, I'm not. And I'm not jealous, why would I be?" I tried to move in my spot but it was no use. I could only move if he allowed me to. "You and your stupid super strength..."

"Baekhyun, vampires share some moments, of course. It's only seen as a need, you can't have such passionate sex with a human when you're a vampire because we might bite the human and suck all their blood in the heat of the moment. But when there's two vampires..."

I tried to move harder. I didn't want to hear what he was saying, let alone picture it in my head.

"Then next time go fuck her again instead of me..." I tried to move again, I was getting so annoyed. "Not passionate enough, huh? You weren't saying that when I was riding you the other night while your cock was deep inside of me."

He pressed his lips against mine, slightly grinding on me. "Do you really think that I'd do such thing with a friend? A friend that's also my employee's kid? And moreover tell that to my boyfriend just like that?"

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