Chapter 6

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Instead of getting up right away, I remained in my bed. I'd stopped counting my days here and my questions were piling up. So many different thoughts were running up and down in my head and none of them was a solution.

Mr. Park was gone after the day he broke the table and I didn't see him for a few days. A part of me wanted to see him so badly and I didn't know why. It was probably because of my questions. Yes, probably that.

Deciding that I was hungry, I went straight to the kitchen from bed. I was still wearing Mr. Park's oversized t-shirts to bed and even though he'd told me he'd get me clothes, he didn't. I didn't mind it though, wearing his clothes gave me a weird sense of safety.

As I entered the kitchen, I saw a skinny, long haired girl standing in the middle of it. Her shiny green eyes turned right to me when I entered the room. She slowly walked towards me, she was dressed in completely black, matching her hair. Her heels clicked as she walked closer to me and I didn't know why but I could feel that she didn't like me already.

"So, you're that Baekhyun. The one who got Mr. Park into trouble."

This wasn't the proper way to greet someone you met for the first time. Realizing her confidence, I decided to reply in the same way.

"Hello to you too." I said between my teeth. "I didn't get anyone in trouble. I wanted to leave, he told me to stay. And I don't think this is a matter that his employees can comment on." Then I sent her a sweet smile.

She slowly smiled, I could tell from her expression that she wasn't expecting that.

"You see, I'm neither his employee, nor his captive like you." She walked a bit closer to me. Her heels were giving her a height advantage and I hated it. "I'm his friend. A very close friend."

"I'm not anyone's captive. I'm staying here as a guest and --"

"I lost my interest." She said and walked away from the kitchen.

I stood in the middle of the kitchen for a bit. I had lost all my appetite all of a sudden, so I grabbed Romeo and Juliet and went back to my room.

Who even was she to treat me like that? Alright, she could be his old friend. So what? Who gave her the right to talk to me like that?

I sighed. Apparently I wasn't going to calm down, so I decided to fill the bathtub in my own bathroom and relax a little bit.

I didn't know how long I slept in that hot bathtub but the water was warm now and I could feel that I was about to get cold. I got out of the water and put on a bathrobe. I needed to get a hobby, all I did was sleeping or reading Shakespeare for the thousandth time.

I wanted to dance so much. I was wondering if I could still do it. Trying to remember my classic choreos, I walked out of my bathroom.

I had to hold onto something three times in order not to fall down until I got to my room from the bathtub. Something wasn't right.

I barely heard someone knocking on my door and I managed to say come in. I didn't feel alright, so someone coming in would help me out.

"Mr. Park..." I weakly said as I saw his tall figure standing by my door. I was so relieved that it wasn't Ophelia or someone else.

"I'll just..." I tried to hold onto the chair in front of me but the floor slipped right under my feet and darkness took over me

I could feel someone right by my side even though my eyes were closed. His breathing was giving me that sense of being secure again. I turned to his side slowly and opened my eyes.

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