Chapter 16

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It was a weird ride, I was crying throughout the journey, Kyungsoo and Jongin weren't saying anything and Sehun was on his phone, listening to a sad playlist that I was sure he made for Junmyeon and himself. I could see him crying too, we were both in the worst mood and even though everything signed that the vampires would win, it wasn't easy to think so and relax.

We arrived after 4 hours, it was a small farm house with 2 storeys in the middle of a field that was surrounded with woods. The zone was claimed by the vampires so if a werewolf were to enter this area, it would mean death to them with no question.

"You can't leave the house and you're going to stay with us throughout the time. I'll stay with Baekhyun and Jongin will stay with you, Sehun." Somehow I could feel that he didn't want Sehun to be alone with his boyfriend. He was jealous of Sehun just like Chanyeol. I had to be honrdt though, Sehun and Jongin were getting so well. No one would believe if you told them they only knew each other for a few days because they were acting like they were brothers, which also made me be jealous and protective over my best friend.

"Sweet." They said at the same time and high fived each other. Sehun was back to his expressionless face, he was good at wearing that mask. He never had an easy life and he was all alone throughout his life just like me. But he was always stronger than me, not showing his feelings most of the time and fighting back whenever something bothered him. I always envied him about that. I was never brave enough to fight back, I'd always accepted what was happening, even if it was disturbing me or bad for me.

"I'm going to sleep for a bit." I lowly said and headed to the room they said was mine. Kyungsoo followed me with small steps.

"Keep the lights on even if I sleep." I told him, blushing a little because I felt like a child.

"I know, Chanyeol told me." He said with his deep voice. The fact that Chanyeol remembered that and told him to be careful about this in all this chaos made me want to cry. But I held myself back.

I went to bed, I wasn't going to sleep. I just wanted to be on my own and wish that time passed faster and they were back healthily.

I don't know how much time left but I turned in bed to look at Kyungsoo. He was reading a book but I didn't hear him flip the page for hours.

"Are you worried too?" I asked him.

He lifted his head from the book he wasn't reading and put it on the bedside table. He thought about it for a little. "Yes and no. This is a fight, of course, I'm worried but no, because I know that they'll get through this." He calmly said. I knew that I could trust him because as far as I knew him, Kyungsoo wasn't the type to sugarcoat his words to comfort others. He was a realist and an honest man.

"Would you be less worried if you were there?" I asked without thinking if I was bothering him with all these questions.

"Not really, because then Jongin would be in the fight too and he's younger than all of us. I'd be more worried for him. He's here with me right now, where I can be closer with him than in a battlefield." He answered. His affection and love for his boyfriend made my heart warmer.

"I'm not a child, Kyungie." I heard Jongin yell from the next door. He could hear us and I was sure that Kyungsoo could hear him even if he whispered but he was making sure that I heard him as well.

Kyungsoo rolled his eyes but I saw his pefrectly shaped lips curve a little over this remark.

"You love him so much, don't you?" I smiled wider. "Kyungie..."

His small smile fade away quickly. "Only Jongin can call me by a nickname."

I got worried thinking I got him angry. "I'm so... I'm so sorry. I was just... I was..."

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