chapter three 』

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Later that day, TaeTae and I went to the shopping mall

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Later that day, TaeTae and I went to the shopping mall. The shopping mall has everything you can dream of or imagine, from items like shoes, watches, iPhones, to milkshakes and makeup, partial to why we are there. The shopping mall also consists of TaeTae's all time favorite store, Gucci.

Despite Gucci being TaeTae's favorite store in the universe, we don't actually purchase or buy anything, because it's outrageously expensive. It's more like window shopping because I know I can get TaeTae whatever item he wishes to have in the store from my mom. Designers from Gucci have samples of their fashion lines so my mom, being at the high rank of power and respect, can grab them for free.

Anyway the main reason we are here at the mall this time is because TaeTae wanted to go to the pet store and play with the puppies. He always wanted a dog since he was a toddler but his parents won't give consent to getting a dog. Thinking the dog would take a piss on the dining table, bark for no apparent reason at two am in the morning, and shed tons of fur wherever the dog step their paws at.

The shopping mall isn't a very long distance apart from my apartment complex so TaeTae and I decided to walk there.

Currently, I am watching TaeTae cooing cutely at one of the smaller, newborn puppies arrivals that was recently brought here. The puppy he was holding in his hands was adorable, and has large, beady eyes, with two of his paws up in the air. His tiny nose was in the shape of a button, and has a furry black, gray, white and tan coat.We spent a few hours here and this dog always cane back to play with TaeTae.

Every time I see that particular puppy perching on TaeTae's lap I can see his smile glow to full extent. The puppy skips and jumps around TaeTae, while sticking his pink tongue out of his small mouth. It makes me smile seeing TaeTae happy.

"Tannie come back!" TaeTae says, as the young animal creates bark sounds and scurries down to the other dogs.

"You have a name for a dog that isn't even yours?" I ask, raising both of my eyebrows at his statement towards 'Tannie.'

"What's wrong with that?" TaeTae replies, putting his hands on his hips, pretending to be triggered by my question by puckering his sweet lips. "He has a full name too, Yeontan Woofsters Tumbler. Tannie is just his nickname."

I laugh at his cuteness. I lean closer to him and rest my chin on his shoulder while wrapping my arms around his waist.  Before you know it, the little cutie dog comes back to TaeTae's side, and sniffs all over TaeTae's lap and hands. TaeTae giggles at the at Tannie's actions as Tannie continues to squirm around, pawing at the boy's oversized shirt.

"Hey, TaeTae I think we should get going. I didn't know how late it was until I checked my phone." I say, as I show the current time on the screen of my phone. It was seven fifty four and I could see the night sky bloom as the sun slowly drifts from our sight.

"Bye Tannie!!!!" TaeTae waves goodbye to the little puppy, as he lets the animal roam free from his hands.

"TaeTae are you hungry?" I question, as we exit the pet shop doors together. "We didn't even have dinner yet."

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