chapter twenty-three 』

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// for the best reading experience I suggest for you to play the animation lyric video of "Promise" by Jimin above! //

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// for the best reading experience I suggest for you to play the animation lyric video of "Promise" by Jimin above! //

"**** ** ****? *** *** ********? **** *** **** ******!"
next day...

*ring ring*


*ring ring ring ring ring rin-*


With groggy eyes slowly opening from eternal darkness of my dreaming, I slap my phone hard to end it's constant seemingly forever ringing, to achieve it's one and only lifetime goal. My room begins to clear from high intensity of fuzzy in my eyes.

Rising from the comfort and cozy feeling of my fluffy blankets and baby blue bedsheets, I walk from my sanctuary to the bathroom to ready myself for the hours ahead.

time skip...

"Jiminshiiii! Time for breakfast!" My mother called from downstairs, wearing her office attire and brushed out, sleek, shiny black hair in the back.

"Coming!" I shouted back, slipping my marked, history notes and notebooks I had mistakenly decided to leave out from the night before, into my stuffed backpack.

As the stairs creek while I walk upon them, I spot my mother pouring a cup of orange juice for my little sister to go alongside with her honey topped pancakes.

"Good morning Jiminshii!" Minsoo says cheerfully, with bright, brown doe orbs, bursting of happiness. Her hair was tied into a high, ponytail, wearing her school uniformed, pinned jacket over her varsity basketball T-shirt which she was very proud of.

"Good morning Minsoo," I say, returning her smile. Minsoo is always energetic and extra hyper in the morning, like sleeping charges her batteries over the roof. My parents will look down at her and say these exact words, "Must be nice to be full of energy as a child huh?"

Before you know it, I'm holding Minsoo's hand and I drop her off at her middle school which isn't too far from my high school, only a few streets south.

"Bye Minsoo! Do well, be nice to your teachers and classmates," I say, bending down to face her at her height. Every time I do this action in front of Bangtan, they snicker under their clamped mouths and muffle laughter, joking around saying I'm lucky I'm taller than my younger sister.

"Of course Jiminshiii!"

"Stop calling me that pabo!"

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