『k•t•h』+ preview>

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The next set of chapters coming up will be in Kim Taehyung's perspective/ point of view of his and Jungkook's situation. The style of writing will also be different so the chapters may be shorter or include more events.

"Who said so?"

When Jungkook left the tent, I didn't know how to feel.



I didn't mean what I said.

They just came out of my mouth after bottling them up for so long.

Long as...








I was just...

Confused. Hurt. Frustrated.

Yeah those are the words.

Everyone says I'm so cute.

Everyone treats me like I'm so cute.

Everyone says I'm so adorable.

Everyone treats me like I'm so adorable.

Everyone says I look five.

Everyone treats me like I'm five.

Worst of all.

Everyone says I'm so naive and innocent.

Everyone treats me like I'm so naive and innocent.

Just because I don't understand something or don't know about something, doesn't make me naive and innocent.

Naive and innocent, I hate those words.

Just because I cry, doesn't make me small.

I can't help but cry sometimes. Everyone cries sometimes.

It's normal.

Everyone makes sure I don't see certain things, or tell lies to me to protect me even though I'm old enough.

I don't need to be protected.

I never asked for protection

I just wish Jungkook would tell me what's going on.

I know he broke our promise about telling each other everything.

He broke our promise so many times.

It started off being broken once.

Two times.

Three times.

Four times.

Five times.

It makes me think maybe he forgot about that promise we made when we were little.

I know when his smile is fake.

I know when he's hurting.

I know when he's sad.

I know when he's stressed.

I know when he hates himself.

I'm mad at him for not telling me anything and treating me like a child.

But I'm more mad at myself for not helping him enough. Trying enough.

Helping him give his genuine smile.

Helping him when he's hurting.

Helping him when he's sad.

Helping him when he's stressed.

Helping him love himself.

I know exactly what happened that night at that party with Jungkook and Tzuyu.



He lied about that too.

When I go to sleep, I dream.

I dream of myself flying in the sky.

Soaring over the highest towers and buildings.

Feeling the breeze hit my face.

Touching the fluffiest clouds.

I dream of no more lies.


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