chapter twenty-one 』

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Letting out my frustration during our lunch period made me feel relief since I have been bottling up all my thoughts inside my head

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Letting out my frustration during our lunch period made me feel relief since I have been bottling up all my thoughts inside my head.

The fact that Jungkook and Taehyung are on the worst terms I ever seen them be in since they became friends twelve years ago, absolutely shocks me.

I walk into class or see them in the cafeteria, and to not see them talking to each other, makes me do a double take. Making me look at them intensely only to remember what happened over the weekend on that camping trip.

At the same time, it makes me guilty knowing I gave everyone the idea to go camping on Friday, even though I know in the back of my head I have no part of this outcome at all.

Everyone is a mess right now, not only Taekook. Nobody's admitting it that's the only reason why it's not being brought up.

I bet Namjoon and Jin are upset at themselves, at the same time I feel sympathy for them since I knew the way their relationship was exposed was not the best to introduce to the rest of us. We congratulated the couple but exactly couldn't be as happy as we could have been if we discovered about it naturally when the day would come.

Hoseok has been hanging out with this kid in our dance class together. His name is BamBam and he's one of our lead dancers and top picks for the dance competitions that will be held at the end of the school year.

As for Yoongi, he's been hanging out with this girl more often. What's her name? Right, Irene Kim. Weeks ago, he started to spend more of his time with her, and we were all surprised since in the past and in the previous years, Yoongi showed a desired dislike towards her. Not hate, but dislike.

Now he spends hours with her before and after school, and if I were to be honest, Yoongi seems much happier with Irene. He smiles more in the past days with us during lunch and laughs more with his gummy smile when he's around Irene.

Most likely because he's far from the drama and awkward tension occurring within our friend circle at the moment. I would be too if I were telling the truth. Although, there's something in the back of my head giving me a signal that it's just me at this point trying to piece back Taekook together.

Everyone else has given up already on keeping the two boys together as friends at least. Did everyone find the friendship they had that worthless? Or are we all ignoring each other because we are embarrassed to help each other? Almost as if I'm the only standing island staying a float of this entire ocean.

Jungkook and I are outside, just walking down the park after school. Not exactly sure why we do it, maybe it's because it's like taking a fresh breath of oxygen after holding your breath for a long time.

As we walk farther down the path, Jungkook pulls out that familiar rectangular object I've seen him carry in his pockets every since he was discharged from the hospital.

I peer into his eyes that have seemed to be colorless and emotionless for the last few days that felt like weeks or months. My facial expression shows sadness for him, I know in his brain he knows this isn't the way out, but his broken heart begs to differ.

"Jungkook... You know you shouldn't be doing that. One, it's illegal, your underage. Two, that's not going to do any good to your asthma," I say as I cover my nose so I don't inhale the smoke that he'll exhale. "Three, vaping isn't going to make your relationship between Taehyung any better if you don't grow up and act your age..."

"Taehyung should act his age," Jungkook laughs a little, rolling his eyes, before he breaths out smoke and throwing the vape into the garbage can we happen to be nearby. "Stop whining and crying over everything. Sensitive kids."

I frown and hold onto his shoulder and look at him, "Where's the Jungkook who would call or tell Taehyung the exact opposite words that just came out of your mouth? Where's that little lost Jungkook somewhere in there?"

"Where's the real Jungkook I, Park Jimin, have known for ten years?"

There's a flicker of something I see in his facial expression. His jaw isn't clenched as it has been, his eyes seem to have a hint of brown in them, and his mouth wavers, giving the smallest movement.

But like a light switch flicking on and off, it's gone, just like his interaction I happened to see between him and Taehyung the other day.

"He disappeared like smoke in the air."

Jungkook said after some thought, ripping open another vape to take another breath of temporary, short feelings of euphoria.

I sigh.

The same conversation we have been having for the last few days. It leads to nowhere, but I still have hope maybe something will stay inside of him and one day he'll remember my words. Reflect upon them.

Jungkook coughs from inhaling the smoke, and because of his weaker lungs. I sigh again and pat his back, taking the vapes from his pockets again and throw them out. I know he'll silently get angry at me, but I know in the future Jungkook will thank me for my actions and for looking out for him.

"Jungkook you really have to get yourself together," I say sternly than I have for the last few days. My tone is no longer gentle and taking any type of funny business.

"This sucks! Your overreacting! I get your confused and lost even though you don't admit it, but your splitting all seven of us apart! Your ruining MY friendships too and that's so unfair!"

"So can you stop being so selfish and figure this out, because I know you probably didn't even listen to what I said during lunch," I say with one last breath.

He doesn't say anything, reaching into his pockets to see if I happened to forget to throw away one of the vapes, which I didn't.

In my head, I search for solutions. I knew what I had to do, I had to find his breaking point, but what was it?

Before I could think any further, Jungkook speaks out of nowhere.

"By the way Chim, I got a girlfriend, her name's Tzuyu, so take a chill pill about Taehyung and I because I'm dating now."

Word Count: 1200 』
『 Author's Note 』

≫≫≫≫≫≫≫≫≫≫≫≫『 Word Count: 1200 』『 Author's Note 』

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• Hey!!! Y'all missed me? Lol probably not. Anyway shocker, that cliffhanger hehe. If you haven't listened to "FEEL SPECIAL" um, what are you doing? Jkjkjkjkjk it's your life do whatever you want. <3 (*'꒳'*)
• What do you think will happen in the next chapter? What thoughts do you think are driving Jungkook to do this? (//∇//)
• Why does Jimin feel like he's the only one trying to piece Taekook back together? What motives do you believe he has? (*'◒'*)
• What do you think is the purpose of Jimin's perspective? (╹◡╹)
• i purple you! 💜

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