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Hey everyone!

We hope you're liking being part of this contest! We got a litttle delayed there in the middle but I guess we're back on track. Hopefully.

This chapter is wayy overdue, and we're sorry. Probably should have posted this one first. 

There are a few points to note. PLEASE read the following very carefully.


The following is the points system for the books. You are only required to read the FIRST CHAPTER and/or the PROLOGUE(depending on word count and the participant's wish) for round 1. 

5 for Blurb(Summary of Book) 

5 for Cover and Title of the book 

10 for dialogues between characters

10 for grammar and spelling

5 for characters and their personalities

10 for a compelling hook and introduction

and 5 for diction. 

Rate the books that have been assigned to you according to these, and then mark the total score (out of 50) for them. The books with a minimum of 35 points will move on to the next round (might change/adapt). (Different rule for Short Story, scroll down to see them)

The points for Poetry are as follows:

5 for creativity in the poem, 

 5 for the ability to convey feelings and/or thoughts through the poem,

 5 for grammar and spelling and,

5 for diction. 

For poetry, all the poetry books/poems having points above 10 move on to next round. 

The judges are required to make a list of the books assigned to them, their points and respective strengths and weaknesses. This list can then be sent to the awards committee via discord, wattpad or email id, depending on what is convenient. 

Important points to note for Judges: 

1) If you(i.e the judge) have already read the book earlier by some chance, you are still required to provide an objective review of the book. It might be your favourite book, but if it has faulty grammar and unrelatable characters, you must deduct points accordingly.

2) No type of votes exchange or bribery will be tolerated. While reading the chapters is mandatory for judging, it is completely up to the judges to vote on the chapter(s) or not. 

3) If the book assigned to you has been deleted by the author due to some issue, contact us and we will make the changes accordingly. 

4) It is not up to you to decide which book moves on to Round 2 and which doesn't. You just have to give the points and write their strengths and weaknesses in a file and send that to us. We'll decide accordingly. 

5) IF ANY participant has not followed you as per the rules, make a note of it. Points might be deducted based on that. 

6) Please, no partiality. You might have gotten a book that is your friend or acquaintances'. In that case, still, try being objective and professional. Judge like you would any other. 

For the Participants

1) FOLLOW YOUR RESPECTIVE JUDGE. They're putting aside their free time to do this for you, so this is the least you can do for them. You can unfollow them once the contest ends, but DO FOLLOW THEM as long as this contest lasts. Failure to do so might lead to deduction of points

2) No pestering of judges or the awards committee related to the results or the like. We'll post them as we receive them. 

3) You're not allowed to withdraw from the awards since the judging has started. Be confident about your entry, and all the best! 

4) If you make any changes to the name of your book, please inform us to avoid any confusion and unnecessary delays. 

Deadline for Judging of Round 1 is July 20th. Please, judges, do not be late. If you're unable to read any book, message us for discussion

A few genres have 20+ entries. This might be due to us being able to close only after the entries had already crossed 20. We did not do any favoritism towards anyone. In such cases, the rounds and number of books progressing to round 2 will mostly be the same. However, due to the total number of entries being 20+, the eliminated books in round 1 will be more. 


 Short Story will have only one Round. In this case, the books with points above 45 (roughly) will win. i.e Only the Top 3 books with the highest points win this genre.

Historical Fiction will have only two rounds. In this, books with points above 35 move on to round 2. And from those, top 3 will be awarded. 

Short Story judges, if the story has 1-2 chapters, read them all. If the book has 5+ chapters, read only the first 5 and then judge and allocate points for the book's aspects.

Historical Fiction Judges, read the first 5-6 chapters and allocate books. You're welcome to read more chapters if you wish! (but 5 is the minimum, 6 if chapters are short) 

Furthermore, a lot of you were unable to download the sticker from the earlier chapter. We're sorry to hear that since we reaaaallly want to see it on all your books. 

So here's the Imgur link for the same. Enjoy! (and let us know if you use it)

We're sorry for being unable to provide a sticker for the judges *sad face* 

Our graphics crew was unavailable for the same and we were unable to put our own mediocre talents to use for it. Next time though, we promise! (Seriously)

We're super excited about how these awards are progressing! And we can't WAIT to see how they turn out. All the best, judges and participants! See you on the other side. 

May the best work win. 

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-Team Writers' Choice

Writers' Choice Awards 2019Where stories live. Discover now