Winner Interview 2 - FanFiction/Anime

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Hey everyone! 

New day, new update for you all! 

We have another amazing interview with a well-deserving First Place Winner here, of the FanFiction/Anime Category!

Welcome teaa_mi please! She is a wonderfully talented 20 year old who used to be a professional cellist! She now writes as a hobby, along with other hobbies as well. 

As an effort to get to know her better, we sat down and had a short interview with her and this is what she had to say: 

Interviewer: How long does it take you to write a chapter, on an average?

Teaa_Mi: It takes me from five to seven days to write a chapter. Yes, I'm incredibly slow, especially compared to some people who update daily (they have my respect, seriously though)! My research is mostly at fault for me being a slow writer since I don't like writing about a topic without exploring it first. I also try to improve my vocabulary because English isn't my first language, so this process combined with my daily tasks for Uni is the main reason I take around five days to write a single chapter.

Interviewer: Slow and steady wins the race yeah? Next, what is the weirdest quirk that you have that you think helps with your writing?

Teaa_Mi: Probably my insane brain that loves to come up with idiotic similes and plots at 3 am while I'm staring at the stars out the window like a creep. I think being a musician has also helped me develop that artistic side which urges me to write. Let's keep it simple though - I'm weird, that's the quirk *chuckles and shrugs* 

Interviewer: Well, we're not complaining! So, are there any authors you take inspiration from?

Teaa_Mi: Many. Hamsun, Dostoevsky, Coelho, Gogol, Camus, Andrić, Selimović... I love them all, they are my babies. Read their books, highly recommend. Their minds were incredible.

Interviewer: Classics! How do you select the names and personalities of the characters? Do you base them off of real people?

Teaa_Mi: Most of them just appear in my mind as already formed personalities, I don't have to do a thing, they are just like 'Hi, write about me this instant or else I'll choke you, I swear'. Sometimes they aren't 'complete' so to say, so I'll add some traits from people around me or have a side character that I base off of someone completely. As for their names, I spend hours wasting my life on baby names sites, of course. The surname comes naturally once I choose the first name.

Interviewer: Wow! Finally, Do you have any favourite books on Wattpad? If so, what are they?

Teaa_Mi: Of course I do! I mostly read BTS FanFictions though, don't blame me. Here are some recommendations: Painted by saltyagust , Sons of Bangtan by misscraziness21 , Game Over by usuallyjungshook  , S.Therapy by _bangtanlove , BEWITCH by ErosVkoo , RUNAWAYS by TAEndHONEY  , Waiting Game by SingularitaeAddict ...I'll stop here because the list is endless! You can check out my reading lists for more seriously great works and support some amazing people!

It was great fun getting to know you teaa_mi ! We hope you'll stick around for any future iterations of these awards, and that you had a great time! Congratulations once again!

Other interviews with our remaining First Prize Winners will follow suit, so stay tuned x
Meanwhile, if you're stuck at home, bored and with nothing to do, check out the book recommendations we've been posting on our feed. We're sure you won't be disappointed.

Thank you for sticking around, readers and participants. We love you all, and we can't wait to get more of these prizes out for you all.

As an additional note, we have started distributing the winners' covers and the winning sticker to the people! Please inform us if you haven't received a message from us regarding the same. Making covers is a slow process so we send them out in rounds but we will hopefully be done with most of them by the end of this month.
As a special mention, we'd like to thank our talented graphic designer who is single-handedly designing these works, we're so thankful for you, theendofeverything03  !! 
Go follow her people and check out her amazing graphic shop on her profile! 

- Team Writers' Choice

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