Chapter 12

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*Day of the flight*
The night before their flight, the girls had all slept over at Priya's house, while the guys at Arjun's. Their flight was at 3p.m. so they had to leave the house at 10a.m. The guys woke up and got ready first, and drove over to the pick up the girls. When they got there at 8a.m. they sent Arjun to go call them down, while they did some last minute preparations. However, when Arjun got there, he was surprised to see all three of them still fast asleep. He woke up his sister, and got her to wake up Vaishu first, and sent them to the washroom to get ready. Since there were only two washrooms with a shower in the house, they let Priya sleep a bit longer, since she was up the latest. After Sukanya and Vaishu went to the washrooms, Arjun sat beside Priya.
She was wearing the cutest Mickey Mouse pyjamas and her hair was sprawled out behind her, with a single lock on her face. Her lips were partially open and she was leaning on her side in a fetal-like position. Arjun couldn't help but marvel at how cute she looked. She looked so innocent and child-like, that he couldn't help but smile. Trying to be as light as a feather, Arjun brushed the single lock off her face. He started tracing her face with his hand, imagining when this is what he would wake up to. After five or so minutes, he leaned in and kissed her forehead before getting up. Yet no sooner after he left her did he hear her whisper in fear. "Where are you Arjun? Don't leave me, please! Please..." Her body started shivering and small beads of sweat formed on her forehead. A lone tear fell from her left eye. Quickly, Arjun wiped away the tear with his thumb before leaning down to whisper in her ear. "Wake up Priya, I'm right, here with you. I'm never going to leave you, don't worry." He gives her body a small shake, which stops her shivering. She smiles a painful smile, "Love you Arjun," she whispers, still half asleep. Arjun smiles, feeling an immense amount of happiness bubble up inside of him. Yes he knew that she loved him, but to hear it? It was like he was on cloud 9. He gently shakes her body again, and she wakes up. She sees Arjun and rubs her eyes, "you came back," she mumbles, still in her dream phase. She sits up, and Arjun wraps his arm around her.

"Good morning sleepyhead," he whispers into her ear. The warmth of his breath jerks Priya awake. "What? Wait, what are you doing here, why am I alone, where's Vaishu and Sukanya?" She rambles, pulling the covers up to her neck. Realizing she wasn't comfortable, Arjun takes his arm back and stands up. "Sorry, I-uh came to wake you guys up since it's already 8:30. Vaishu and Sukanya are in the washrooms getting ready, and they let you sleep a bit till the washrooms are free since they said you slept the latest. You were having a nightmare, I think, and your body was shaking which is why I sat beside you and shook you." Priya nods with a sad smile, another tear forming in her eyes. "It was a terrible dream, thanks for shaking me out of it," she says, dropping the covers. Arjun takes his thumb to catch the tear again, "as long as I'm with you, there's no reason for you to cry. I'll always be here, okay?" Priya smiles and reaches up to hug him. "Did I say anything in my sleep?" She asks yawning. Arjun decides to lie, as he wanted Priya to think that he was the first to confess, and not her. He shakes his head. She lets out a sigh of relief, and motions for Arjun to sit back down beside her. He does, and she rests her head on his chest to get a few more moments of sleep. "Oh, and I love your pjs," Arjun whispers squeezing her shoulder. Priya looks down and realizes what she's wearing. Her cheeks turn beet red, as she struggles to pull the comforter back up to her torso, which was to Arjun's amusement.

Soon, Vaishu had come out of the washroom, and Priya entered. While Vaishu did some last minute packing, and did her makeup, Arjun sat down at the kitchen table with Kavitha, Manju and Unni. "You woke up Priya today it seems?" Kavitha asks. Arjun nods his head while sipping the tea Manju made for him. "Did she have another nightmare?" Unni asks concerned. Arjun slowly puts down the cup and nods. "Was it the same one about you maapillai?" Manju asks sitting down. "Wait so this isn't the first time?" Arjun asks concerned. They nod. "You probably already know this but you're the first guy Priya's loved. And she loves you a lot, that every night she either had a nightmare of you getting hurt, or one where you leave her." Kavitha says looking down. There's a moment of silence before Unni speaks again. "I know it isn't right for me to ask this, but please don't hurt her. If you don't love her tell us now and we'll break it to her softly." He clasps his hands together. "Uncle!" Arjun exclaims holding Unni's hands. "Trust me, I love Priya with all my life, I can't imagine anyone but her to be my wife. I will make sure that she realizes this soon, and I'll put an end to her nightmares." He promises. Manju and Unni smile but Kavitha still looks glum. "Can I talk to you for a minute," she asks Arjun, leading him outside. He agrees and follows her. "What's wrong Kavitha?" He asks. "Ammei and Appei don't know about this but ever since a couple years ago we found out that Priya has anxiety. It first started off due to the pressure she faced in school, due to being the overachiever that she is. When she met you, it was gone and I thought it was gone for good. But, now it's back. Her anxiety makes her be overly cautious and gives her nightmares such as the one which you saw. So please, don't tell her I told you, but please take care of her." She finishes. Arjun is speechless. "I would have never expected that someone as bubbly and fun as my Priya could be facing so much inside." He whispers. He thinks back to when Priya had stopped him from turning the bike mirror to gawk at her. "She was just terrified to lose me..." He wipes a tear that falls from his eye and thanks Kavitha for telling him. "I'll take care of her until the end of time, don't worry."
He heard Priya's voice from inside, and the two stepped back in. "What were you doing talking to Akka? You do know that she already has Bala mama right?" Priya asks laughing. Before, Arjun would have thought that Priya was just teasing, but now he could see the hidden doubt and pain in her eyes. "I was just telling your boyfriend that you too better be safe! I mean it!" Kavitha replies, making the pain disappear. "Oh Chechi! They're not going alone, we're going with them!" Vaishu laughs. "Yes, but I don't trust you two either! You'd push them together and run away to romance with your Jai!" Kavitha laughs. Everyone laughs except for Vaishu. "Not fair chechi!" She pouts.
Soon the girls finish their breakfast and meet up with the rest of the guys. They put all their suitcases into the trunk and realize that there wasn't enough space. "No worries, I'll call another car to take the remaining two luggages and come in that." Priya smiles, taking out her phone. "I'll come with you so you aren't alone," Arjun quickly adds. The group look at each other a smile, loving how fate was giving the love birds a lot of free time together.
The car arrives shortly, and Arjun puts the two suitcases in the car before climbing in the back with Priya. "Where to sir?" The driver asks. "Chennai airport please," Arjun replies. The driver nods and starts driving. After a few minutes, Priya finds herself falling asleep. "Come, sleep on my lap," Arjun says, placing his sweater as a pillow. Priya tries to refuse, but due to the lack of peaceful sleep she had gotten, she reluctantly agrees. She places her head on Arjun's lap and instantly falls asleep. Arjun places one arm around her stomach to balance her, and uses the other one to stroke her hair. When she starts shivering, Arjun tightens his hold around her, causing her to relax again. When they get to the airport, Priya was well-rested and ready. "That was one of the most peaceful naps I've had in a while." She yawns. "It was the most peaceful car ride I've experienced too." Arjun says smiling. The two share a quick eye lock before rejoining with the others.
Soon they had boarded the plane and it was about to take off. Priya and Arjun sat together, and behind them was Sukanya and Vaishu, and behind them was Karthik, Manoj and Jai. They all had window seats, but right beside the window was Arjun, Vaishu, and Karthik. When the plane gets ready to take off, Arjun grips the handrests tightly. It wasn't his first time flying, but he was still scared. Priya noticed this, and placed her hand over his. "Are you okay?" She whispered. Arjun nodded weakly. Priya guessed what was on Arjun's mind, and held his hand tightly. She brought it to her lips and left a small kiss before clasping it with both of her hands. "Aren't you scared?" Arjun asks, remembering what Kavitha had said. "Yes," Priya admits, "I'm scared this plane is going to crash, or it's the wrong one. But I know that that's not going to happen." "So she knows that her anxiety is irrational" Arjun thinks to himself. Priya leans on his shoulder. "Why should you be scared when I'm here with you?" She whispers. Arjun relaxes and closes his eyes. "Gum?' Priya asks handing him the pack, "it'll help prevent your ears from getting blocked." He smiles and opens his mouths ever so slightly. Vaishu lets out a small whistle from behind them. "Mama's being so cute chechi, don't ruin it! Feed him the gum piece!" Priya sighs, trying to hide her smile. "Wow, Arjun, I didn't know you could be this romantic!" Sukanya laughs punching his shoulder from behind. Arjun ignores her and continues to gaze at Priya. Without no other choice, with the plane starting to take off, Priya quickly pops out a piece and pushes it between his lips. The meer touch of her finger to his lips sends sparks of electricity through both their spines.

Soon the plane had taken off, and Arjun remained calm since he was too distracted by Priya's arm on his own. After a while he started to feel sleepy. Unlike the others, he was the last to go to bed and the first to awake. He didn't even get to sleep in the ride there since he was too distracted by Priya on his lap. "Now it's your turn to sleep on me," Priya says with a small smile. Arjun wants to refuse, because he knew that would mean a huge teasing session from the devil of a sister he had, but Sukanya quickly pushed Arjun onto Priya's shoulder. "Hey!" Arjun half-whispers. "Enjoy bro!" Sukanya laughs, while giving Vaishu a high-five. Now obviously Arjun loved sleeping this way, so he didn't argue. But after the two behind them fell asleep, he whispered to Priya, "they're in for some serious payback in Canada." She just smiled and nodded, ready to get her teasing little sister once and for all.

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