you've got to be kidding me

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"Go, go," Gianna ushered.

"Chill, it's an interview. They can't start without us."

"Its good to be early, Aria, you know that."

I sighed and rolled my eyes before entering the building.

Today, I had an interview with Dean Jorden who was the host of the talk show, The Late Show With Dean Jorden. I walked into hair and makeup to have some retouching done before I was called to the stage.

I was wearing a blue set which consisted of a blazer and a mini skirt with a tiny slit. Under the blazer, I was wearing a cheetah print bodysuit. To finish off the outfit, I had on a pair of white platform sneakers.

His show had a stage for the interviewee and the interviewer to sit. There were also numerous seats for an open audience who could come to see the person who was being interviewed and in this case, me.

"And, now, help me welcome America's Sweetheart and Hollywood's Golden Girl, Aria Brooks everyone," Dean announced to the crowd.

I cringed at the ladder nickname, mostly because it was considering me the girl version of Hunter Gray and I really didn't see that as anything near a compliment.

I smoothed out my straightened high ponytail before walking onto the stage.

"Great to see you again, Aria," Dean greeted me, getting up from his chair to give me a hug.

"Nice to see you, too, Dean," I replied politely, hugging him back.

Dean was an extremely well-known interviewer, famous for his very controversial questions. He wasn't that old, probably in his early 40's. He had a minor scruff and had an overall very friendly face mostly because of the way his eyes wrinkled when he smiled or laughed.

He asked me a couple of uninteresting questions like if I had any new music coming out and my recent movies and shows.

"So, your ex Grayson Carter recently came out with a new song-"

Yes, he did.

"and many fans have been speculating that it's about you."

Yes, they have.

"But, in another interview, he said this is indeed true-"

Yes, he did.

"and that song was written because of your relationship."

Yes, it was.

"He also said that he is in fact, still in love with you."

Yes, he did.

I saw that interview countless times on multiple Instagram pages and tea channels. I heard more times than I can count that my ex is still in love with me.

Hell, the song practically screams those words.

"Have you heard the song?" Dean asked.

Before I could answer, though, he already pressed a button on a random remote and the song began playing on the screen in the middle of us.

Thoughts of you and me keep passing by

Like ships in the night, we never collide

Need you even after all this time

You can't be replaced even if I tried

"And that's just a snippet of the song, obviously you've already heard about it. It's blowing up."
They why'd you ask me, I wanted to ask but I kept my mouth shut and replied politely.

"Yes, he's doing great. I'm very proud of all his accomplishments."

"So, are you still in love with him?"

I choked on air, very shocked by the question.

"And, who initiated the breakup?" he queried as if he didn't know the answer.

"Uhm, well I initiated the breakup. We started dating when I was fifteen and we dated for four years. He was basically one of my first friends here. He was my first everything, first love, first boyfriend, and yeah. But, our relationship was also a very public thing," I sighed.

 "As much as I love my career, that wasn't what I wanted. But, it's Hollywood and your wants can't always be fulfilled, so we did end up having an extremely public relationship. It was very difficult for both of us, we couldn't hang out with the opposite gender without speculations of one another cheating," I stopped and forced a very fake smile which I had mastered through the years.

 "We tried our very best for the relationship and it worked out, for a while. But, I knew for a fact that a few years into our relationship, I didn't feel the same way as I did when we began dating. I obviously told him about it and he let me know that he understood where I was coming from. So yeah," I ended.

"Aww Aria," Dean sent me a sad smile, "But, do you love him, now?"

"I don't, no, I love him but strictly as friends. But I understand where he's coming from, it's hard to get over a five-month relationship and the fact that we dated for four years, those feelings aren't just going to disappear," I answered.

Dean nodded in understanding before facing the crowd once more.

"Well, that's all for today, folks. Thank you for being here, Aria," he turned to smile at me, "Thank you and have a good night," he ended.

The audience clapped and I stood up to give Dean another hug.

"Good luck, kiddo. With everything," he whispered as he hugged me back.

I nodded thankfully before exiting the stage and walking over to Gianna.

"You alright?" she questioned, referring to the breakup question.

I nodded.

As nonchalant as I seemed, the breakup was hard on me too. Grayson was my best friend and our relationship was truly something out of a fairytale, but it was also over.

I know I was the one who broke up with him but it was because I didn't want to lead him on. I couldn't handle stringing him along and convincing him that my feelings for him remained the same when they sure as hell didn't.

"At least now I can go home," I sighed.

"About that.." Gianna mumbled.

"Oh god, what now?"

"You have a chemistry read for your new movie."

"And when exactly did I audition for this movie?" I asked suspiciously.

"Well, you uh, didn't. The writer personally chose the two leads."

"Do you know who the other lead is?"

"Hunter Gray," she murmured looking down.

You've got to be kidding me.

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