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When the plane finally landed in JFK airport, Hunter and I were immediately greeted by the sight of hundreds, if not thousands of fans. Talk about Hunter and I being in New York traveled quickly and we now had to endure the screaming of fans as we got our luggage. I spotted my parent's bodyguard, Nathaniel, who was waiting next to the fans with a stoic expression. It seemed that the recognized us because his face lifted into what was a pleased expression as he spoke the security guards who were trying to hold the fans to allow us to escape.

He nodded at the guard and walked over to us.

"Why if it isn't Miss. Brooks. Good to see you Aria," he nodded at Hunter. We both mumbled a hello, because we were both tired from the flight. Nate, as I liked to call him, grabbed my luggage and tried to take Hunter's as well, but he shook his head. Nate lead us to the exit, and with the help of a few airport security, we were able to be escorted to the limo in peace. As we entered the car, I could hear clicks of multiple cameras go off, as well as fans yelling hellos.

The ride to my parents house was fairly quiet, Nate sat in the corner of the limo and Hunter sat in the seat next to me on his phone. Deciding to do the same, I took out my phone and browsed through instagram. I went through my tags, which were filled with recent pictures of Hunter and I at the airport. I made sure to skip over those pictures and look for a few edits which I chose to like. It brought a smile to my face to think about how so many people dedicated their time to create things for me. Once in a while, I also posted a few of my favorite edits onto my instagram story. My fans excitement whenever I noticed one of them made me so incredibly happy.

"Miss. Brooks, we are here," my parent's chauffeur, Desmond, announced.

"Thanks Desmond," I said as Nate lead us out of the car.

My parent's house was just as I last saw it, with the blue roof design and the intricate little details in the front yard. The fountains were still springing with water and I saw that new flowers had even sprouted near the little pond in front of the house. I noticed Hunter gaze around, almost in shock. I couldn't blame him though, my child home was something that even left me speechless sometimes.

Nate trailed behind us as we walked to the front door. The door openened almost immediately, and my mother, who didn't look at day over thirty, enveloped me in a hug.

"Baby! I'm so happy to see you, my love," she told me as she held me to her chest. My mother still saw me as a ten year old girl, even though I was closer to being her age when she had my brother than that age. 

"Hi mom," I smiled as she let me go.

Her eyes were trained behind me on Hunter. God, I almost forgot he was here! 

"Hunter, what a surprise! It's so good to see you! How are you?" she asked while giving Hunter a hug.

Hunter chuckled as he conversed with my mother. Mom walked him into our guest room and ran up to get my dad downstairs from his office. I took a seat on the loveseat as Hunter took a seat on the couch across from me.

"When's your brother getting here?" he tried to start a conversation.

"He's actually in New York already, but he's with Nessa in their hotel. She had a shoot here with Victoria's Secret and so he flew here a few days ago. They're gonna come here after the shoot wraps up today and they'll be staying with us." I informed him.

Hunter nodded in understanding, before suddenly springing up from his seat and walking over to me.

What the hell, I thought. And then he passed by me. What in the-

"Princess," my dad practically sang before he walked to me.

"Hi dad," I said as I gave him a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

"You know, if you're dating someone new. You don't have to hide it from us! I personally love Hunter," my dad winked in his direction. My mouth dropped as Hunter laughed.

"Dad! He and I are not dating. I repeat, we are not dating!" I almost shouted.

"Ouch sweetheart, I got the hint, no need to emphasize," he joked.

"Girls, am I right?" my dad rolled his eyes. Hunter laughed in agreement while my mother playfully slapped his shoulder.

I sighed before bidding everyone a goodbye and making my way over to my room. 

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