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I woke up to an excruciatingly loud noise also known as my ringtone

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I woke up to an excruciatingly loud noise also known as my ringtone. I don't know why my phone volume was up so high, but it was really starting to give me a migraine. As I rubbed my eyes, trying to wake myself up, the blaring noise of my ringtone continued. Finally, I had had enough and grabbed my phone off the nightstand, and answered it without looking at the caller.

Whoever was calling me this early was going to have to deal with a very sleep deprived Aria.

"What," I practically yelled.

"Aria Mae Brooks, that is no way to greet your mother, apologize," my mother hissed.

"Oh shi-sorry mom. You woke me up and I didn't really check the caller ID," I blushed in embarrassment. 

"You just woke up? It's 10 AM Aria, it's practically noon!-"

Before my mom could launch into a lecture about waking up at a decent time, I reminded her of our time difference, "Mom, it may be 10 in New York, but it's only 7 in the morning here."

"Oh right, gosh these time zones are hard to remember. Anyhow, I need to know if you'll be bringing a date with you to our anniversary party this weekend."

"Yeah mom, I'm bringing someone," I avoided mentioning Hunter's name at all costs, if I had, my mother would keep me on the phone for hours, questioning why I would bring the guy I hated to her party of all people.

"Great, make sure you and your date are wearing black. No one else in the party will be wearing that color except our family. I made sure the invitations had a strict dresscode," my mother told me.

I mumbled an "mhm" in acknowledgment, allowing my mother to continue talking because I was too tired to utter a word.

"Do you have a dress yet, or should I have Julio find one for you?" she asked.

Julio was the family's personal stylist, he dressed us for all of the family events we attended together, from charity events to premieres of my movies. He had been with us for as long as I could remember, there are even pictures of him at my baby shower.

"No mom, but Olivia agreed to go shopping with me today to find one," I answered.

"Okay honey, make sure to send me pictures if you ever need help deciding! When is your flight?"

"Uhh I think Hunter wants to fly there two days before the event so we should be arriving on Thursday. I believe our flight is early in the morning," I informed her.

"Hunter?!," my mom gasped. Oh shit, this is why I shouldn't of said anything to begin with. "Hunter, as in Hunter Gray? As in Hunter who you can't stand? Oh my I've seen pictures of you two together recently but I thought it was only work! I didn't know you two were seeing each other!" my mother went on.

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