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^^^PAPARAZZI SHOT OF ARIA AND NESSA!!^^^ (a/n: the girl next to the person playing Aria is NOT Vanessa's character. She was the closest person I could find to Nessa's description)

After breakfast, which had gone surprisingly well, I had gone outside to the backyard and sat by my favorite orchard tree growing up

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After breakfast, which had gone surprisingly well, I had gone outside to the backyard and sat by my favorite orchard tree growing up. It was kind of weird but nice at the same time to see Hunter bonding with my family. Sure, Andrew and him had always been somewhat good friends, seeing as Liam was one of Andrew's good friends but still. It made me smile, watching Hunter talk so easily with my parents, something Grayson always had such a hard time doing. I know it was wrong, comparing Grayson's encounters with my parents to Hunter's, but I couldn't help it. Even though Hunter and I were only at most friends, he was the only other guy besides Grayson that I had brought to my parents house. Sure, there had been my guy best friends that I grew up with, but that was a completely different matter, they didn't fly across the country to see my parents. I had always known that Hunter was charismatic but seeing his charms up close in real life was another thing by its self. It seemed like second nature to him, cracking jokes with my parents, talking to my dad about football, and telling my mother about how he wrote his songs.

"Knock knock, anyone home?" Andrew asked, talking a seat beside me on the ground. It brought back memories of us running around this backyard, where I would always attempt to hide behind the orchard tree, but it didn't do such a great job of hiding me. Damn, those were the days.

"Sorry, just thinking," I answered a second later.

"So? Hunter, huh? When'd that happen?" He asked, seeming genuinely curious.

"We're gonna be around each other for another couple months at most, it was either getting rid of the bad blood or having to endure a glare every morning."

Andrew nodded in understanding, "You know the media's gonna go crazy at your newfound friendship."

"Let them. I've gone too long caring about the public's opinion on everything," I continued, "Oh she looks bloated? Maybe she's pregnant! She seemed distant when talking to another celeb? They're definitely beefing," I said, creating air quotes around my words, "It gets annoying."

"Tell me about it. I can't count the number of days that Nessa has come crying to me because of something that was posted about her. Gosh, I'm not even in the Hollywood world like that and I have fake news stories created about me everyday."

We fell into a comfortable silence for god knows how long before I hear the back door opening once more and Vanessa walks toward us.

"Hey kiddos," she says cheerily, not waiting for us to reply, she continues, "I actually wanted to get my nails done before the party tomorrow, mind joining me, Ri?"

"That reminds me! Of course, when do you wanna go?" I asked getting up.

"Hmm well I overheard Hunter and Alex talking," she said, referring to my dad by his nickname, "They were thinking of driving out to the golf course and then getting lunch. That reminds me! Alex wanted me to tell you to get ready too babe," she told my brother.

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