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After a long week, we were finally given a day off

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After a long week, we were finally given a day off. Maxon and Olivia suggested we go out and we hang out like old times, but I was too out of it to go party, so I declined. I had been working nonstop, not only filming but I was at the studio, writing and recording songs for my upcoming album. My schedule had been decked out with task after task and it felt good to finally have a day where I could sleep in and act like a normal twenty-year-old.

I was dressed in my comfiest pair of sweatpants, a pair of black champions, and a random hoodie I had stolen from my brother. I had been lying on my sofa for the past three hours, and I hadn't gotten up once. So, when my doorbell rang, I struggled to get up.

I was practically hopping to my front door because my legs were numb. The ringing of the doorbell continued and it had begun to give me a headache.

"I'm coming, calm down!" I yelled as I got closer to the door.

Curse me for getting such a large house.

I opened the door and my best friend, Olivia Carson, who was decked out in a cropped black camisole and a denim skirt, stood there waiting.

"Liv, I told you, I'm not in the mood to party," I told her.

"Hush child, I'm here to join you in your boring activities," she exclaimed, closing the door behind her and walking in. "Why do you look like that?"

"Wow, thank you for making me feel oh so insanely beautiful. Not everyone can look like you, honey."

Olivia scoffed, "Bitch, you're an IMG model, not everyone can say they're signed to that prestigious of an agency."

"Okay and? You're signed to LA Models. Shut the fuck up."

 "Fine, we're both amazing, shut up now and bring me comfy clothes."

"Yes, ma'am."

* * * *

"So, what's going on in that pretty little mind of yours?" Olivia peered at me.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, you've been staring at the ceiling for an hour now."

"You're exaggerating." 

It couldn't have been an hour, it felt like a few minutes.

"Okay but like, same thing. What's up?"

"Well, I was talking to Hunter yesterday."

"Damn, that man is so fine."

"Shut up for a second, would you," I rolled my eyes at her.

Olivia raised her hands in mock surrender and signaled for me to continue.

"I don't know, he was just prying about my ex-relationship and I kinda got pissed and told him that he didn't even know what being in a relationship was like. And then he got mad at me and told me not to assume," I explained to her, as I lay my head back on my pillow.

We had relocated to my room a few hours ago and while I was sitting on my bed, Olivia was lying on her stomach next to me. It's a good thing my bed was insanely large or one of us would have probably fallen on our asses by now.

"Why is that bothering you?" she asked.

"I don't know, maybe I've assumed too much about Hunter's life without ever getting to know him? Like just because he sleeps around, everyone has given him this title and I'm just agreeing with that title without knowing anything about him," I played with my fingers, "Like my brother used to sleep around before Nessa but I didn't perceive him any differently, so why am I identifying Hunter with something so many other guys also do?"

Olivia looked at me for a few minutes, probably trying to digest my words because they were very true. I don't why what he said yesterday led to this thought, but I feel like it's been a large eye-opener for me. 

As much as I hated to admit, much of the reason I never really like Hunter was that he objectified women by sleeping with them and then dumping them like garbage right after. Of course, I also didn't like him because he was extremely infuriating, but that never played a big role in it. But, so many other people I know have and still do, do the same exact thing. I'm not saying Hunter or anyone sleeping around is good, but I don't think I should hate him for something without anything else.

"I'm sorry, wow. This is what you think about all day? Because I can't even," Olivia looked at me, bewildered.

"Yeah, like as much as I think I know him, I don't. I've known him just as long as I've known you or Maxon, but I don't know him at all."

"Damn. I can't even process the shit you just said."

"So, has he ever been in a relationship?"

"Oh you sly bitch, are you interested?" Olivia raised her eyebrows at me.

"No, oh my god, never," Olivia just smirked at me. "Shut up, you idiot," I hit her with one of my throw pillows that we had thrown on the floor prior.

"Bitch- you made a mistake doing that," she grabbed another one of my discarded throw pillows off the floor.

"Oh god," I screeched, jumping off the bed, and out of my room.

Olivia chased me and I ran for my fucking life. She finally caught up to me when I tripped over the rug in my living room and attacked me. We were left lying on the floor, laughing our asses off while hitting each other in the face. But, throughout all this, I couldn't help but wonder:

Who broke Hunter's heart?

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