who says its a guy?

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"Well hello to you, my beloved sister," my older brother, Andrew smirked as I entered his house in annoyance

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"Well hello to you, my beloved sister," my older brother, Andrew smirked as I entered his house in annoyance.

"Nessa, tell him to shut up," I muttered as I hugged my brother's fiance, Vanessa Downe.

She was a gorgeous girl with easily tanned skin and sleek black hair. Her cheekbones were to die for and I have to admit, I've always been a little jealous of her. Vanessa was a Victoria Secret model and a fashion designer who owned a company called "Downe". It was a play on her last name which was also Downe and honestly, i thought it was pretty creative since it sounded really cool.

My brother and her had gotten engaged on their three year anniversary and it was the cutest engagement ever. Props to Drew, I guess.

"You alright, beautiful?" Vanessa asked with concern lacing her voice. 

"Why did I ever agree to that movie," I sighed.

"What? Is Gray annoying you," Andrew laughed.

My heart jumped for a second before I realized which Gray my idiotic brother was referring to.

"Shut up! And yes, very," I replied, agitated.

Today was the table read and I honestly couldn't deal with Hunter anymore. Stupid smirking asshole.

"Come on, you're gonna be late, I'll drive you," Andrew said as he grabbed his keys.



"I don't want to."

"I will drag you to the car, don't try me."

"You wouldn't dare."

"Oh, but I would."

"Fine," I blew out a breath before walking into his Audi R8.

"Aria, put your feet down," Andrew glared at me.

"You're no fun."

"And you're acting like a whiny little kid right now."

"I'm just preparing you. Who knows how long before you get Vanessa pregnant."

Andrew turned as red as a tomato and I smirked in contempt.

"We're here."

"Wow really? I didn't notice," I answered sarcastically.

"God I pray for any guy that ends up with you," Andrew sighed.

"Who says it's a guy?" I raised my eyebrows.

"I- oh shit really? Shit, I didn't know Ar-," Andrew began apologizing.

"I'm kidding, estupido," I cut him off.

Andrew rolled his eyes and he waited for me to get out of his car.

He really thought it was gonna be this easy to get to come here?


"Aria, leave already," Andrew whined.

"That's impolite, don't make me tell dad."

"God shut up already."

"Make me."

Without any other word, Andrew got out of his car.

Finally, he left.

Suddenly, my car door on my side was opening. And then someone picked me up.

"Drew, let me down," I screeched as he lifted me into the air and headed towards the entrance of the building.

I pushed, punched, and even tried to bite my way out of his arms. But this dumbass wouldn't let go. All he did was chuckle.

Why is he older than me?!

Andrew opened the door that lead to the room the table read was being held and all the chatter stopped.

I am going to kill him.

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