quadruple threat

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"It's just, no matter how hard I try

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"It's just, no matter how hard I try. It's him. He's the one I think about when I'm going to sleep and when I wake up," I placed my face in my hands.

"Yeah, I get it. And then you realize they were the one who left you and you start to feel.." Hunter added.

"-like you weren't enough," I finished, smiling at him.

"Look, Faye. It's okay to hate Lucah for what he did. Whatever it was," he tells me looking into my eyes.

"I-i just, I stay up late wondering: why wasn't I enough? I could've done something, anything. But I didn't make him happy," my eyes started to get glassy.

"Oh come on, don't do that, you know that's not true."

"Really? Well if I was enough, why would he kill himself? He gave me a promise ring and then he just l-left me," my voice cracked. Tears began to stream down my face as Hunter walked over to me and held me in a hug. 

"And cut! That was excellent, Bravo," Jackson Philips, the director, applauded.

Quickly, Hunter and I let go of each other, I shot him a glare and he just scowled at me. 

What? Did you expect us to suddenly become friends? I doubt that could ever be remotely possible, we're as different as it gets.

"That was great!" Grayson smiled, catching up to me.

I nodded in thanks because what else was I supposed to say? 

"Trouble in paradise, madam?" Hunter smirked at me as I walked over to the snack table"

"Stop talking to me."

"Oh come on, don't be like that."

"Like what?"

"Acting dumb doesn't suit you, Aria."

"That sounded oddly like a compliment," I smirked, turning around to look at Hunter. "A weirdly phrased one, but it's you, what else can I expect?"

"Haha, you're hilarious. If acting and music doesn't work out, feel free to be a comedian."

"You forgot model and dancer," I smiled sarcastically.

"Oh so humble. How could I forget, you're a quadruple threat," Hunter rolled his eyes. "But come on, tell me your relationship problems. I need to entertain myself somehow."

"What relationship? And there was never a so-called paradise, either."

"So, why did you guys break up?"

This guy was really getting on my last nerve. Who asks something like that? And that's such a dumb question, he's acting as if I haven't been asked that continuously for the past few months.

"You're acting as if you have no clue," I said without looking at him. I was assessing the snack table, I was pretty indecisive alone so putting over twenty different choices of snacks was not the best idea.

"Well, yeah. But let's hear it from you, the media is known to blow things out of proportion," he leaned on the wall beside the table.

"There was no spark anymore, okay?" I sighed, growing tired.

"And you initiated it, right?"

"Look, Hunter," I turned to face him once again. "I don't know what you're trying to do, but I'd appreciate if you'd stay out of my personal business. Don't act as if you know anything about my love life when you have no experience in an actual relationship."

"You don't get to say that. Don't act like you know my love-life either then, yeah?" he glared at me, walking away.

God, what am I gonna do with this boy?


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