Inspector Campbell

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Riley should of known that the one time the house is empty the coppers would break down the door. She was sitting at the kitchen table eating her breakfast as she had slept in when her peaceful morning was dramatically interrupted as the front door was banged down. Startled, Riley shot out of her seat sending her chair flying. Coppers swarmed her house as she yelled at them, telling them to get out. They ignored her and continued to trash her family's home. A man with a moustache and a cane, who Riley realised based off his outfit was the leader of all this carnage, slowly walked in with a small smirk on his lips.
"I do apologise Miss Shelby. I wish a young lady such as yourself didn't have to witness such barbarity but you see we are looking for something very important."
Riley scoffed as she heard him call her a 'lady' when they both knew she was anything but. She could tell he didn't mean a word of his apology as-well. She put two and two together and realised this must of been the inspector from Ireland Tommy and Arthur had been arguing about. She glared at his smug face as she realised he was also the one to beat Arthur up.
"Cut the bull shit. What do you want?" She blunty asked. He had some balls coming here whilst the boys were at the fair. He raised an eyebrow at her as he approached her, getting too close for comfort in Riley's opinion.
" I want to know what you know." Riley kept eye contact as his face got closer, she could feel his disgusting breath against her.
"I don't know shit."
Two can play at this game Riley thought. She clenched her jaw as he raised his hand to her face dragging his finger down her cheek.
" I don't believe you."
Before Riley could react two coppers grabbed her on each side, pushing her down into a chair.
"Get your filthy hand off me!" She screamed.
"What do you know about the stolen guns." The inspector demanded. Riley blinked. She had no clue what he was on about and even if she did she wasn't going to say anything.
"My brothers are gonna give you another fucked up leg if you don't let me go this instant!" She spat at him. Smirking the inspector motioned the two coppers away and tipped his hat. "Thank you for your time, I see you're not in a very cooperating mood. Hopefully we can do this again sometime when you are."
I fucking hope not she thought. Finally everyone left as Riley quickly ran to the front door and slammed it shut. She breathed through her mouth as went back into the kitchen. Angry, Riley threw her plate across the room satisfied when she heard the smash. She sat down as she looked at her arms which both already had bruises from them grabbing her. She clenched her eyes shut as for the second time that week Riley had to surpress her memories. She didn't want to remember the bruises from all those years ago.

An hour passed in which Riley tried to clean up the mess the police made. She heard the car pull up outside and almost instantly the front door slammed open.
"Pol?! Riley?!"
"In here Tommy." Riley shouted from the kitchen. All her brothers aswell as Scudboat and Lovelock rushed in. Tommy went straight to Riley and grabbed her arms making her wince. Riley watched as his face became angry as he noticed the hand shaped bruises on her arms. "What the fuck happened?"
Sighing Riley asnwered. "Bloody coppers raided the street. Inspector Campbell introduced himself personally to me."
John and Arthur joined their brothers side as they too inspected the damage to her arms. "He did that to you?" John angrily asked. "His two goons did. Shoved me into that chair there when I told them i didn't know anything."
As Riley replied she made eye contact with Tommy giving him a look to tell him she knew the real reason behind the raid. Tommy moved away to avoid her intense gaze. "I'll fuckin kill em! Fuckin pigs think they can touch my baby sister!" Arthur shouted. Riley rolled her eyes as she knew he wouldn't be able to find the men. If she could she would find them herself but she didn't catch their names and there was no point. The police seemed to think they could do what they wanted now that they had the inspector leading them.

It wasn't long before Aunt Pol came home from church and demanded that Riley put some ice on her bruises which Riley had argued was unnecessary as it wasn't like it was the first time she'd bruised before but Aunt Pol wasn't having it. So that what she found herself doing as she listened to her Aunt explain to the boys what had happened in the neighbourhood.
"The coppers told everyone Arthur had agreed to it when he was arrested. They said the Peaky Blinders had cleared out to the fair to let them do it." Aunt Pol informed the boys.
"I never said nothing to that copper about smashing up bloody houses." Arthur said from sitting at the dinner table.
"All right which pubs did they do?" Tommy asked Aunt Pol.
"The Guns, the Chain, the Marquis. All the ones that pay you to protect them. The only one they didn't touch was the Garrison. Make sure people think we were in on it, he's smart, this copper." Aunt Pols told Tommy as she lit a cigarette. "So, go on. Drink your beers, get out. You'd better show people you're still the cocks of the walk." The boys stand up getting ready to leave. "Hand out some cash to the landlords of the pubs. Pay some veterans to fix the places up." Tommy tells John.
"So, what about you, Tommy?" Arthur refers to Tommy not joining them.
"I have to go to Charlie's to stable the horse. She looked foot-sore in the box."
Riley wondered which horse he was on about as she didn't remember there being any problems yesterday when she was at the yard with Jenny. Shit Jenny! Riley thought as she remembered she was meant to meet her in half an hour. Her house was most likely raided as well as she only lived on the next street. Riley strangely found herself hoping she was okay.
"Let them see your faces." Her Aunt Pol interrupted her from her thoughts. Everyone had left except Tommy, Aunt Pol and herself. Aunt Pol eyed Riley as she figured that the inspector had most likely mentioned the guns to her niece.
"So we both know what they were looking for." Aunt Pol said. Riley sent a look to Tommy.
"He said something about some stolen guns. Mind telling me what he was on about Tommy?"
Tommy sent Riley at look back.
"It's none of your concern. He comes near you again you tell me okay?"
She rolled her eyes at his over-protectiveness as she crossed her arms. " I think it is my business when the coppers come at me in my own home Tom."
Polly knew Riley wouldn't back down so she intervened. "Darling please, for once listen to your brother."
Riley felt sick as she heard the endearment. "Don't call me that!" Riley shouted at her which shocked both adults as she stormed out the house. Tommy was shocked as he'd never heard her yell at their Aunt before but he brushed it off as her being angry at being left out of the business once again. Recovering from her shock Polly addressed Tommy.
"You don't read the papers."
"Racing papers."
"So let me tell you the odds. I reckon it's three to one there'll be a revolution."
"I wouldn't bet on that."
"That copper's betting on it. He's not going to let it rest till he gets those guns back."
"Did he talk to you, Pol?"
"In the church."
"Did he try to find our Ada?"
"She was sleeping."
"Where was she sleeping, Pol?"
"I thought you didn't care for women's business. He knows you're the boss. He wants to meet you. Will you talk to him?"
"No you don't parley when you're on the back foot. We'll strike a blow back first."
"Whatever you do make sure that inspector keeps far away from our Riley. You hear me?" Tommy nodded his head angry that the piece of filth had been anywhere near his baby sister.

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