Chapter 3

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(Ashely's Pov)

They let us go and i ran towards Calum.

"Oh my god Cal i knew this would happen i told you, there going to hurt you know, Im so sorry" i said franticly cupping his face to look at what they did.

"I don't think they can hurt me much more than they just did" he stated


"Ash i saw the way you looked at him after, I can tell you felt something, something you don't feel with me. Yea i know he's your bully but that was something different. We can still be friends though okay?" I nodded trying to blink away my tears. I walked away from him and walked straight to my locker grabbing my stuff and walking home. Being to consumed in my thoughts i never noticed it started to rain until someone with and umbrella came and walked with me.

"Thanks but you don't have too" i said not looking up to see the person. They didn't answer they just kept

walking with me. I looked up to see Luke, I groaned and turned to him

"Luke why are you doing this? Why are you trying to make my life miserable? I only dated Calum for a couple days and you made us break up! You make my life a living hell and i can't take much more of it!" I yelled at him.

"You and Calum broke up?" he asked with a hint of hope in his voice.

"Yea and all because of you" we stopped walking and we where facing each other.


"Good? Why is that good?"

"Because now i can do this" he replied before dropping the umbrella and cupping my face bringing his lips to mine. I felt a little spark but i just decided to run. I felt so wrong because i was kissing my bully but it also it felt so right because of these sparks it gave me. I was running down the street until I got grabbed by Luke again

"Why'd you run?"

"Your my bully and you were kissing me" i said in a 'duh' voice, getting out of his grip and running down the street to my house getting inside but Luke got in and closed the door locking it. Oh great locked in my house with my bully.

Bullied by Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now