Chapter 19

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(Ashely's Pov)
Cal was driving us back to his place and we sat in silence beside the faint sound of the radio.
"So what do you want to do?"
"I don't know, just something that will make me forget that happened" i sighed
"Why don't we play some soccer (Football) when we get back to mine?" Cal asked
"Yea sure" When we got to his place we ran into his front yard grabbing the soccer ball. I stole it from him and dropped it on the ground
"You ready to get your butt kicked Hood?"
"You mean me? The king of soccer! Ha yea right" i smirked he positioned himself in front of our homemade net. I kicked the ball right past him in to the net
"HA JOKES ON YOU HOOD!" I yelled doing a little dance, that may or may not of had twerking in it. I turned around to look back at Calum to see him on the ground laughing so hard ut was silent. I smirked as i walked over to him and tickled his sides
"N-no A-ash st-stop it" I backed away watching Cal catch his breath before i dropped to the ground laughing. Cal attempted to tickle me but that just earned him a kick in his not so nice area. I laughed harder when he fell to the ground groaning
"Uh Ash why'd you do that"
"I-i didn't me-mean to" i said in between laughs. I got up and helped Cal back into the house, we sat on the couch and turned on the TV
"I think i'm going to break up with him" i said looking at a blank wall
"What! Why?" Cal gasped
"He always ends up hurting me. And i thought you didn't like Luke since you said, and i quote 'I don't want you falling in-love with that prick' so why so shocked?"
" Well, i didn't used to like him, but he made you happy so i let its slide, but i don't think you should break up look how much you guys have gone through together already."
"Exactly my point Cal we have gone through a lot and most if it is him cheating on me, so in done! I'm calling him to meet up with me at the park, can you drive me there and just stay there just incase i need a fast getaway" Calum sighed
"I guess so"

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