Chapter 8

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(Ashely's Pov)

The guy lunged forward grabbed my arms and covered my mouth before i could scream.

"Tsk tsk tsk. Why would you do that honey" I have to say his voice was creepy. I struggled to get out of his grip and bit his hand. He removed his hand from my mouth.

"Ow that hurt you little..." He stopped himself.

"Who are you? and what do you want?"

"Well first off i'm Chad and second im here to get back at you boyfriend Luke" i stared at him, we only started dating last night how could he already know?

"What did he ever do to you?!?

"He stole my girlfriend. So im stealing his, Literally" he said while picking me up and walking out of the door to his car that was parked down the street.

"Let me go! This is none of my business so leave me out of it!"

"It is now" he smirked. He taped my hands together along with my mouth. While he was trying to get me in his car i heard my name being called

"Ashely is that you?!? What are you doing with her let her go!" The person yelled. Chad just laughed as he looked at the person

"Looks like your boyfriend came to save you" I froze and he finally got me in the car and locked the doors. I heard him yell at Luke

"Hey Lukey, remember how you stole Mia from me in 10th grade? Well now I'm stealing Ashely. Good luck finding us!" Chad jumped in the car and locked the doors again. Luke ran up to the car and look through the slightly tinted windows

"Ashely?" his voice was quiet because the car door separating up

i tried saying 'help me please' but it sounded nothing like that. It sounded more like"mmpmhmmphmhhmhmp"

Chad chuckled and started the car causing the doors to unlock. Luke must of heard because he quickly opened the door and pulled me out of the car and placing me behind him.

"Chad i didn't steal Mia i never even liked her okay?" Luke said.
He turned around and carefully took the tape off my wrists and mouth. As soon as he finished i hugged him and glared at Chad who just looked grumpy. Chad got in him car and drove away. I sighed and pulled Luke to my house.

"Okay first things first why are you here? What about school?" i questioned Luke while we sat on the couch

"Well i wanted to spend the whole day with you sooo, i skipped" he shrugged.

"Okay second of all what is with this Chad guy?"

He shrugged.

"In grade 10 Mia had a crush on me but was dating Chad and i guess she told him that she was breaking up with him for me? I don't know but i never liked her back" The front door opened and i jumped up. But only my parents walked in.

"Oh good you here, Sorry Luke but could we talk to Ashely alone for a bit" Luke replied with a 'okay' and walked away.

"This is hard to tell you, but we're moving and you have to come with us. We leave tomorrow" I stared at them with wide eyes.

"What no! im not moving to- wait where we're are we moving and how long will we be gone?"

"Canada and a little less that a year"

Bullied by Luke HemmingsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ