Chapter 34

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(Ashely's Pov)

"So you guys are like a thing now?" I asked

"Yep we are official"

"Wow my boyfriends in a band" They all laughed at me

"What? I've always wanted a boyfriend that was in a band!"

"Really you never told me that" Calum said with a raised eyebrow

"Oh shut up Cal" i blushed

"Aww babe its okay" Luke coo'ed.

"Im going to the kitchen" i huffed. I grabbed a bowl and the ice cream out of the freezer.

"Ashely what are you doing?" Luke asked

"Eating ice cream?"

"Don't eat when your angry you'll get fat" he said grabbing the ice cream and putting it away.

"Oh okay" i sighed walking away. I plopped down on my bed, everyone else was in the living room. I quickly changed into pyjamas and got into bed even though its 4:30.

"Ha your ugly and fat!" A group yelled at me.

"Luke? Aren't you going to say anything?" I asked him tears brimming my eyes.

"Your a fat and disgusting"

"Oh so thats how you see me. HEY! Guess what! I Hate You! I thought you changed!" I yelled at him

"Looks like im a good actor" he smirked.

"Ashely. Ashley. Ashely!" I sat up.

"Oh it was just a dream" i sighed

"Hey Ashely, do you want some spaghetti? Ashton made it" Luke asked, i shook my head.

"No thanks im good, im angry so i don't want to eat" i sighed quickly getting up. Luke grabbed my wrist

"Ashely." I turned around and he stared at me

"What!" I snapped

"Im so sorry i didn't mean it that way, you are actually perfect, in any way, shape or form"

Bullied by Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now