Chinese Takeout

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'Honey I'm home!' Connor calls sarcastically, walking through the door and announcing his presence to the house at large.

'Hey Con Con!' Evan smiles, giving Connor a quick peck on the lips, glad he was home again. 'How was your day?'

'Ugh, terrible. I stuffed up three coffee orders in a row, so the manager yelled at me.'

'Oh no, that's terrible. Was something on your mind?' Evan asks worriedly.

'Actually, there was.'

Connor slowly walks over to Evan with a sexy smile and low hum.

Evan blushes a faint pink and looks down at the floor.

Connor seductively puts a finger under Evan's chin, turning Evan's face towards him. He leans down to whisper in Evan's ear.

'I think we should have Chinese for dinner Ev,' he murmurs, then walks over to the couch, plonking down.

'Oh for the love of-' Evan says exasperatedly. He purposely walks over to the couch where Connor was, picks up a pillow and whacks Connor with it.

'You. Are. A. Terrible. Person. Connor. Murphy!' Evan laughs, smacking Connor with the pillow each word he spoke. Evan flops down on the couch next to Connor.

'Oh yeah, I also bought a cat today too.' Connor whispered to Evan.

'What! Really! A real life cat!'

Evan followed Connor into the next room where Connor pulled out the squirming kitten.

'Ohmygoshsheissobeautifulandpureandamazingwhatarewegonnacallhercon?!' Evan gushed in awe.

'I'll tell you her name if we can get Chinese takeout.'

'Oh fine, but you are calling the place alright?'

'Ok. Her name is Duchess.'

'Like from the film Aristocats?'


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