Chapter 4: Standing up to Shayna

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At the NXT headquarters, Luka just finished his match against Danny Burch, he was walking down the hallways until he saw Io Shirai.

Luka: Oh hey Io, what are you doing?

Io: Just preparing for my match against Kacy Catanzaro.

Luka: Well, just finished mine, good luck.


Luka: Yes?

Io: After my match wanna head out to catering to hang out?

Luka: Sure, why not. In fact I'll watch you're match.

Io: OK see you later.

Luka waved at her and turned around and Aliyah was in front of him which him startled.

Luka: Oh. It's you again from last week. I didn't get your name.

Aliyah:Nhooph Al-Areebi is my real name, but you can call me Aliyah as my wrestling name.

Luka:No offense but it's a really wierd name.

Aliyah: Noted. So your from Croatia?

Luka: Yes, and are you American?

Aliyah: Nope, I'm Canadian but in Arabic descendent.

Luka: Half Canadian and half Arabic. Noted.

She giggles.

Aliyah: So how about we hang out at catering, together?

She held his wrists and gave him flirtatous look.

Luka: OK, I was on my way to watch Io's match with Kacy.

Aliyah: Sure let's go then. In her mind: "If he's crushing on her, I'll break her bones, he'll be all mine".

The two went to catering and sat in a table, Luka then turned to the screen to see the two girls making their entrances, Kacy received cheers while Io received boos from the crowd. The bell rang and Io pushed Kacy to the ropes which she used it to her advantage and jumps towards Io doing Cross Body, knocking Io to the ground, Kacy then climbs the turnbuckle and waits for Io to get up so she can perform Hurricanrana, Io got up and Kacy did her move but Io grabbed her legs and she charged at the turnbuckle nailing Kacy and then began stomping on her, then she grabbed her and set her up to the second rope and then used the other side of the ring and did 619 and then climbed the turnbuckle and and did Moonsault and knocked Kacy out, she pinned her but Kacy kicked out, Io then did Arm Trap Crossface which Kacy with all her might Reid to survive but to no avail she tapped out, and her theme played and the crowd booed her, she got up and the referee raised her hand, but Shayna Baszler's theme hits and the crowd boos her as well, she came out with her fellow MMA horsewomen Jessamyn Duke and Marina Shafir and then charged at the ring to beat up Io.

Luka: They are beating her up. I'll be back.

Aliyah: Wait! Where are you going?

Luka left her and went to go stop this situation.

Back at the ring, Shayna set Io up for a Arm Stomp, and she performed it successfully and caused Io to yell with agony and the horsewomen threw her out of the ring and Shayna did her signature pose and earned a lot of boos from the crowd.

Mauro: That was brutal from the NXT women's champion.

Nigel: The queen of spades never shows mercy, and this must be a message to anyone who dares to face.

 Then Luke's theme hits and the crowd cheered, he comes out with his arms behind him and had a smirk on his face, he then stopped and looked at Io and winked at her and then entered the ring and grabbed a microphone.

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