Chapter 24: Takeover Boston

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At catering.

Luka, Io and co we're watching the Street Profits vs Bobby Fish and Kyle O'Reilly of Undisputed Era, They two did a Double Team on Montez Ford and Kyle did his signature Brainbuster and pinned Montez and won the match and the titles which shocked the crowd.

Pete: And Undisputed Era has won the tag titles yet again.

Luka: Don't worry we'll soon get rid of them.

Io: (In her mind)- "What does her even mean by that?"

Johnny: Alright man, good luck against Ciampa

Dream: While it may be a good match but my match against Adam Cole for the NXT title is better.

Luka: OK I'm off to slaughter a Sicilian Psychopath.

Io: Wait Luka!

Luka: Need something?

Io: Please be careful.

Luka: I will, I promise you.

He kissed her forehead.

Luka: I'll see you later.

He then left.

At the arena.

Ciampa's theme plays and the crowd cheers, he comes out with his leather jacket and crosses the steps towards the ring and enters it and takes of his jacket and waits for Luka, then Luka's theme plays and the crowd cheers as well, then the Titantron showed two officials knocking a door to his locker room, he then opens it and he was wearing a dog muzzle and a brown cloak which the hood was on his head and had red eye contacts which had Ciampa confused, he then along with officials walk towards the arena, and for 1 minute he made it and roared at the entire arena taking off his muzzle and cloak and starts marching towards the ring and enters it and stands face to face with Ciampa.

Ciampa: Good luck, buddy.

Luka: I'm not your buddy, soon you'll be my bitch!

The two then took positions and the bell rang and the two grabbed hands and had a test of strength and Ciampa kicked Luka on the bad spot and grabbed him for a Fairytale Ending but he managed to flip it into a roll up count but only for 1 count, Ciampa got up and Luka kicked him in the head and then jumped at the ropes and did a Moonsault but this time Ciampa dodged it and Luka hit the ground, Ciampa then grabbed Luka and dragged him as he climbed the turnbuckle and did Project Ciampa which connected but also hurt himself a bit because how heavy Luka was, Ciampa then dragged Luka to the other side of the ring and put him on the turnbuckle and backed off as he did a Running Knee Strike but Luka ducked and Ciampa hit the turnbuckle and fell to the ground yelling with agony, Luka then rolled out of the ring looked inside of the ring to find chains which he also smirked and went back and put the chins on Ciampa's face and started torturing Ciampa.

Luka: Give up!

Ciampa: Screw you!

Luka then pulled harder until he stopped and used the chains as whip and hit Ciampa on the back which he yelled with agony, he stopped and placed him on the ropes and used the other ropes as boost for the Last Laugh and performed it successfully sending Ciampa back while covering his face, Luka got inside and did his own Knee Strike and did a Clothesline which sended him outside the ring and he got out and grabbed him and they both charged and slammed him at the barrier with force which broke it, Luka grabbed him again and charged with him again but this time Ciampa reversed the slamming to the barrier for Luka who hit hard, Ciampa them grabbed a chair slammed Luka hard, he continued doing this until he stopped and grabbed him and dragged him to backstage.

At backstage.

The two we're going all out, Ciampa then used one of the crates and threw it at Luka who avoided it and grabbed Ciampa for a Scoop Powerslam and pinned him but kicked out, Luka then did Kimura Lock on Ciampa, with no way to escape but Shayna Baszler out of nowhere with her crew armed with chairs started bashing Luka, Io out nowhere with a Kendo Stick bashed the three with brute force saving her love, Ciampa got Luka for another Fairytale Ending and connected and pinned him only to get another Kimura Lock but this time Ciampa tapped out and the bell rang and the referee raised his hand in the air and Luka at Ciampa and helped him get up.

Ciampa: Congratulations, you now have my respect.

Luka: Thanks for having one of my best mates in my life.

The two shook hands and hugged.

Io: I came to your rescue once again.

Luka: As for you, thanks.

He ruffled her hair playfully.

At Io's match.

Dakota was dominating and kicked Io dozen times which dazed her, Dakota put Io back at the turnbuckle and charged at her and did Kai-Ropracator and pinned her only for Io to do a Kimura Lock, with no escape she forcefully tapped out and the crowd boos her.

Announcer: Here's your winner and still the NXT women's champion.. Io Shirai!!!

The referee gave her the title and left.

Luka: Nice work, and you just stole one of my moves.

Io: I did what I have to win.

Luka: But still impressive. 

He kissed her forehead and she kissed him on e cheek.

Pete Dunne vs Roderick Strong.

"Fast forwards till the end"

Roderick hit Pendeleum Backbreaker and pinned Pete but kicked out, Roderick grabbed Pete for another one but he avoided him and grabbed him and did Bitter End and pinned him and retained the North American title.

Adam Cole vs Velveteen Dream.

"Fast forwards till the end"

Dream did his signature Purple Rainmaker and almost had him but he kicked out, Dream wanted to do a Big Boot but Adam dodged it and went behind Dream and did Backstabber and then Last Shot and pinned him and retained his title.

OK guys, that's chapter 24, 25 is Monday.

Peace out!

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