Chapter 22

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"Ezekiel, what do you two want?" I said in an annoyed tone while holding the door half open so he wouldn't come in. There was a slight smirk on his face that was as annoying as it was cute. Juru looked over it as usual which I could relate to.

"I just want to talk, I don't want to fight or try to kill you... I just want to explain" As mad as I was and as betrayed as I still felt. Looking into his eerie hazel eyes, I couldn't find it in me to make him leave. A part of me wanted to hear what he had to say, a reason to forgive him.

"Come in" I opened the door and motioned them to come inside, I was rolling my eyes and visably annoyed.

"What is he doing here?" Enya snarled while flipping her long blonde hair. She stood up as if she wanted to fight and honestly I couldn't blame her. I mean we had just gotten into a big fight with him and his vampires.

"He says they wanna talk... so we'll talk" I replied before sitting down, she sat back down as well.

"Of course we are" Raven said sarcastically, I gave her a stern look because I knew what she was alluding to.

"Father..." Avian mumbled before rolling his eyes, Ezekiel looked at him apologetically.

"Son im-" Ezekiel started to say something but I cut him off, I didn't want to hear about their family drama right now.

"SO TALK!" I shouted

"Jeez! Your temper might be worse than a vampires." He was smiling as if he liked it "Anyways, so remember I told you before that Kane knew about all of this as well?"

"Yes... and?" I replied

"Well, I may have left out some details"

"Of course you did... why am I not surprised"

"He was the one that approached me about killing you guys, he told me your family did the spell that weakened my vampire line and he had it on good authority that you would as well. So he told me to hunt you and kill you, and of course I did it in the only way I knew how... with a big elaborate scheme" We all looked around angrily but no one seemed surprised.

I was just more or so irritated by inconvenience of it all. Like all of this was for nothing and could have been avoided.

"We didn't even know about the damn spell until he brought it up! I mean why would he want to help vampires anyway" Raven snapped.

"Because apparently he's doing the dirty work of someone else, somebody that has been asleep for hundreds of years and if he is awakened... he will use his influence and power to control the supernatural community and make us all either serve him or die" He seemed genuinely scared "and I don't know about you guys, but I'm definitely not dying"

"So Kane is just randomly trying to wake this guy up?" Avian asked "and why didn't you tell me anything about this" He seemed to be genuinely offended.

"Because your too weak to do what needs to be done, so I only told Juru" Ezekiel snapped "But yes, either this guy or someone else must've found a way to communicate with Kane years ago and give him access to more magic to help find this guy's body and wake him up"

I felt a wave of anger take over my body, knowing that Kane is responsible of doing something this evil didn't surprise me but it made me want him dead even more.

"So basically, this whole situation was just a distraction for us. He wanted you guy's to come for me so we could fight and be at odds while he continued to do this sleeping guys dirty work." I said putting it all together. My initial reaction to everything is to find the logic in it, but for some reason I couldn't with this "The question is why though? I mean why did he need me distracted to do that? It's not like Kane was exactly on my mind"

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