Chapter 24

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After watching Kane disintegrate into ashes I couldn't help but feel happiness. I know that sounds bad but honestly, after everything he's done to me and to the people around me it's what he deserved. Of course he had to go out with a bang though. The fact that he transferred his dark magic into me forcefully left me feeling confused, what did this mean?

I was still bleeding so I took my Kimono off and wrapped it tightly around my wound and tied it.

As I stood there looking around, it hit me. It wasn't just dark magic, it was Malik's dark magic and magic I didn't even understand.

I suddenly got the idea to look around the place and see if I could find anything about Malik here. I began looking around the room I was already in but there was nothing, so I walked up the stairs.

The house was still cold so I was shivering a bit. I walked into a room which looked like some sort of study. There was a journal sitting on Kane's desk so I quickly grabbed it and began reading it from page one.

At first I didn't really see much of anything until reading for a few more pages. There was a part that stuck out the most to me and it said

"I don't know whats happening to me but ever since I transferred Malik's magic into me I've began to turn into a different person. It's like I'm starting to do evil things by nature and I'm unable to control them. His magic grows stronger everyday, and he sometimes tells me to do things and at first I could fight it but now I don't think I can. The only way to stop this is to get his magic out of me, and I can't do that without dying. I have to find a way to get this darkness out of me."

I noticed it was dated and written a little after he mind controlled Jade, which meant he did that on his own but everything else horrible he did was after Malik's magic influenced him.

Things immediately began to make sense but also made me feel extremely guilty. I realized that i couldn't get this power out of me without dying. I also realized that I killed Kane not knowing that Malik's magic was influencing him to do bad things and was turning him into a different person. He was always a bad person but never as evil as he became.

I put that notebook down and picked up another. This one seemed to be about Malik.

"Malik's powers come from the darkest magic to ever exist. It grows stronger each time it's transferred into another witch so that when it makes its way back to him, he's even more powerful than before. If the witch is powerful enough they can wake him and not die."

Although it was very vague and still didn't quite say how he could be awakened, I got chills down my spine. Not knowing how was scarier than knowing honestly, because any little thing I do could be the key to waking him.

After skimming some more I ran into another interesting part.

"Once Malik's magic is inside of you, you will begin to transform into a different person. The more powerful you already are, the more evil you become, because his power is driven by the strength of the witch that's harnessing it. So Altiair, you will be satan himself"

I had to stop reading for a second because all of this information was overwhelming and sending me into a panic. Kane knew he'd transfer that magic into me so he wrote this just for me.

I began reading again to see how it ended.

"If you think you can stop him, you cant. If you think you wont have to answer to him once he wakes, you're wrong. This power is unlike anything you've ever experienced before. This power will take over you and make you wish you were dead, trust me i know. You will begin to do things you never could imagine you would, see, my sacrifice was apart of waking him... its up to you to do the rest

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