Part 12

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I looked at him in confusion before pulling my hand out his pants. "What?"
He stood up."We've only known each other for two days, not even that much."
We silently stared at each other before I flew my hands in the air, "ok. I'm backing off." I said while stepping backwards.
"That's not what I meant." He eased of the bed in order to wrap his hands around me. "It's just that
we're moving a little fast."
Oh my God. He probably thinks I'm some kind of whore, who just gives it up early to each and any body. Without knowing it my hands were grabbing his wrists, and my facial expression shouldn't have changed put it did. "I said, I understood." Pushing his arms away from me.

Jason's POV

I watched as she glared at the food on the table. Her appearance was casually presented and I wonder if that was her intention.
"I know you guys didnt make this food yourselves." She stated.
I laughed. "Of course not, we have a chef. None of us even know how to cook."
"What's gonna happen if you both go broke?"
I broke my gaze from her and moved it towards the food. My heart skipped a beat. That was more than a possibility and my brother never took it as serious as he should. We have no skills, no connections, and no opportunities waiting for us and because of our grandparents, we've barely left this house. It's like we're prisoners."That's never crossed my mind."
"I'm sure your lying, but it's only a matter of time."

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