Privet Homecoming ✔️

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"Peter!" I yell as shot my eyes open. I tried to get up but then immediately regretted it. My abdomen still had a dull pain.
"Woah there. Careful." I hear. I then turn and see Tony.
He smiles at my bedside. "I'm glad you're up." He says. I don't say anything back. I quickly rap my arms around his torso and hugged him. He stayed shocked for a little before giving a light chuckle and patting my head. He returned the hug and we pulled apart.
"So," I start. "You said something about a quiz." I say. I remembered every conversation that he had had with me and remembered every bit. He smiled.
"And by the way, how dare you go into my Baby monitor AND my secret getaway." I say with a fake pout. He ruffles my hair.
"I missed you kid." He says.
"How long has it been?" I ask.
"I don't know, it feels like it's been months." He says. I shake my head with a smile on my face.
I look around the room a little bit.
"You know what." I said. "I'm in the mood for a burger. How about you?"
"That's exactly what I had on my mind." He says.

As we ate our burgers we talked about stuff that I had missed.
"Yeah I may have taken Peter's suit away from him and scolded him." Tony says casually.
"You may have or you did?" I asked with a raised eyebrow. He doesn't answers me already knowing that I knew the answer.
"How long did you say I was out for?" I ask again as I take a bite.
"A few weeks." He responds.
"Shoot." I say. "I missed Homecoming."
"What did you want to do at homecoming?" Tony asked.
"I mean I really wanted to get all dressed up and dance but I guess I'll have to wait until next year." I say.
"Nonsense!" Tony says as he stands up. "We can have our own homecoming right here."
"What do you mean?" I ask as I stand up in front of him.
"You go get a dress while I get the flowers and decorations. We're going to have our own privet homecoming. Just you and me." He says. My eyes widen.
"Really?!" I ask excitedly.
"Yes, now go get your dress." He says as he shoos me off.

I look In the mirror at my reflection. My dress was beautiful on me.

 My dress was beautiful on me

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(Got it from Pinterest. You can change to whatever you want. And credit to whoever wore/made/exedra, it)

I then make my way to the place Tony told me to meet him at.
When I got there it looked like how I had dreamed it to be.
"You look stunning." I hear Tony say behind me. I turn and see him in his normal kind of suit except for an added flower.
"And you look quite casual." I say with a smile. "But the flower is a nice touch."
He then gives me the corsage and we both talk a little over the punch bowl.
"Friday, play my Daddy daughter songs playlist." He says as he guides me to the dance floor. We take our positions and dance. With me placing a hand on his shoulder, him having a hand on the upper part of my back and we both held one hand.
"So, Daddy daughter playlist." I say as I look at him with a snarky smile.
"You know you make me feel a bit shorter with those dang heels." He says as he looks at my shoes.
"Better be careful tonight. If you tick me off I'll step on your toes." I say.

We continue the night as we bond even closer than before. But unfortunately the night comes to an end.
I plopped down next to Tony on the couch.
"So how did I do?" He asked.
"It was amazing. Better than I think actual homecoming would be." I say as I lay my head on his shoulder. "Oh and by the way, I'm keeping our homecoming pictures forever." I say. He chuckled and I felt the vibration of it from him. I close my eyes and fall asleep on Tony's shoulder.

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