CHAPTER 28: I just realized I can sleep with my eyes open

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Repercussions are just as bad as a torturous hangover after a great party if you know what I mean.

Wink. Wink.

Come to think of it, you can never find one moment in my life where I've done something embarrassing under the influence of alcohol. As for my brothers...well, let's just stay the landlord has great persuasion skills on my neighbor whose house was raided at 2 am by my own brother.


God bless my eyes.

It's indeed a well-known fact, one that everyone in our group is aware of, that Caleb and I are like putting together... mixing...uh...

Toothpaste and orange juice.

Oh dear God, what am I thinking of? These two random things just happened to slip out because right now, I'm currently brushing my teeth and staring at a box of orange juice on the table near the tents, where everyone is gathered.

Now, coming back to repercussions, I would have happily called yesterday's event a repercussion. I should be calling it a repercussion.

But I can't and I'm not.

Instead, I find it deeply intriguing and amicable. I never thought that I would classify Caleb's talk as amicable. I didn't know I would like it. 

"Morning, blondie." A swish and those two horrible words compel me to roll my eyes and turn my head toward the one and only.

"Don't call me that," I say as I turn a little and spit my mouth contents.

"Someone's acting like cranky pants." He mutters while brushing, still not abandoning his stupid smirk.

"May the toothbrush break your teeth and get stuck down your throat."

"Your mantras won't work on me. Why are you so angry at me...friend?" He throws a quick grin at me and spits his paste.

"I'm not cranky or angry. I'm just sleepy." I blink and resist the urge to sleep on the tree next to me. I couldn't catch a wink of sleep yesterday night because of the conversation I had with Caleb.

Physical conversation.

Eww. Eww. Eww. I need to pretend I didn't just say that.

"Potato, pohtato. I thought you were the kind who could pull an all-nighter off."

"I very well can. Someone was running after me pretty fast. Not my fault I was super tired and unlucky to not get to sleep." I groan and wash my brush with the small tap that was attached there.

Caleb laughs, his hearty laughter surrounding the quiet area we are in, and washes his brush as well. "You play soccer for god's sake. Why are you so unfit?" He says before gulping down his water from a Nike water bottle I didn't notice he brought with him. I almost drool at his flexing biceps which move as he finishes up the entire bottle.

I shake my head and play around with my brush, "There are a lot of things I suck at, Anderson. Sports and school stuff being number one."

"You're still a pretty good player from what I've seen." He crosses his arms on his chest, making his muscles to pop out more.

Have mercy on me, God.

"What have you seen?" I roll my eyes and start walking slowly.

"A lot."

I sigh catching his meaning behind that. I really do hope I didn't make a mistake by opening up to him even a little.


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