The Unwanted Visitor

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The rain is pouring heavily outside the whole day. Based on the weather forecast, a typhoon is causing the inclement weather.

For someone who has a phobia with rain and water, this day is a torture.

Taehyung looked out the window, the sky is dark as the rain continues to pour down. There is no single person outside and most of the households nearby have already turned off the lights.

The brunet boredly gazed at the clock.

11:27 p.m.

He hasn't taken a single step outside the whole day, not really wanting to be drenched. The rain is also making it hard for him to sleep as he keeps on thinking of bad things he just wants to forget.

He reached out for the remote on the table, planning on spending his time watching t.v. series that are not really that interesting.

He settles on a comic show where a woman is trying to find the right man for her from the not so helpful advice of the hosts.

Taehyung has his eyes fixed on the t.v. when a loud banging of the door startles him.

His heart skipped, eyes frantic as he looked at the door.

Who could that be at this hour?

The brunet slowly gets up from the sofa. He walks carefully toward the door, settling his right eye on the peeping hole. He's not dumb to just open the door for anyone who knocks.

There was no one in the front door. He scans the outside through the hole, making sure that no one is really there.

What the fuck. Is someone playing tricks on me?

He quickly backed away from the door, eyeing it suspiciously. He made sure the knob is properly locked before going back to the couch.

Even before his butt touch the softness of the couch, another loud banging came, startling him once more.

"What the fuck!"

He angrily went back to look at the hole, heart pounding out of his chest.

Still, no one is outside.

Taehyung's body hairs are standing in alert. He looked again, wanting to make sure.

The brunet almost jumped out when he saw a man standing in front, face hidden in a mask.

He saw how the man slowly went near the peeping hole, with a silver thing on his hand.

A gun!

Taehyung stumbled, backing away from the door. His heart is beating wildly in horror.

There's a mad man outside his house!

He flinched, hearing the forceful turning of the knob, followed by a series of loud banging.


With trembling hands, he pushed the couch by the door, blocking it in case the man opens it up.

He searched for his phone and realized he left it charging inside his room.

Taehyung did not waste any time. He rushed toward his room, fumbling through his bedside table for his phone.

He breathed heavily, finally having the phone in hand. He dialed 911.

Taehyung's heart beats with the ringing on the other line.

Hurry up!

The door to his room suddenly springs open, making Taehyung flinch in utter shock. He dropped the phone from his hand as he stares at the hooded and masked figure of the man by the door, gun still in hand.


He backs away, heart almost stopping from fear as the man advances near him.

"N-No please!! Stay away!"

The man slowly went near him, gun scratching his temple. Only a few more steps and the man can easily grab the brunet.

Right at that moment, a voice from Taehyung's phone came through.

"911. How may I help you?"

Taehyung opened his mouth and shouted "HEL---"

His screams were muffled under the strong hands of the man, covering his mouth.

He struggles to get away from the hold, but instanly freezes after feeling a gun pointing on his head.

"Go ahead and scream, pretty. Let's see if you'll stay alive after I shoot you in the head."

Taehyung's eyes watered in tears hearing the deep and murderous voice, his body shaking in fear. He lets the man drag him on the bed, hand still covering his mouth.

The man pushed the brunet on top of the bed, hand still holding the gun by his head.

"I'll remove my hand from your pretty mouth, baby. But one scream and I'll instantly kill you. Do you understand?"

Taehyung nodded his head vigorously, sobbing hard.

"Good boy." The man slowly moves his hand away from the brunet's mouth.

"P-please don't kill me." Taehyung pleaded, voice so low, afraid to rattle the stranger.

"Hush, babe. Don't make a sound." The man went around the bed, picking the phone on the floor. He instantly ended the call, before throwing the phone back on the floor, crashing and breaking it.

The man has his back on the bed, and Taehyung takes this opportunity to slowly get up and hurriedly run for the door.

"HELP! HELP!" He shouted finally getting out of the room and into the living room.

The brunet saw his glass window broken, where the man possibly went through to get inside his house.

He runs toward the broken window but before he can step a foot outside, a strong force hits his head, making him fall on the floor, losing his consciousness.

"Aish! I told you not to fucking scream! Look what you've made me do!"

The man shouted in anger. He hits the frames and vases on the table, creating loud crashing sounds.

He growled like a mad man, thrashing his hands everywhere.

Once his anger subsided, he walks near the brunet's unconscious body.

"I hate hurting you, but you leave me with no choice." he talks to himself, like a total lunatic.

The man swiftly carried the brunet on his shoulders and ran out on the rain. He went where he parked his car, only meters away from Tae's house. He carefully placed the uncoscious beauty at the back of his car before going around the car and into the driver's seat.

He started the engine, finally leaving the place with the man he was obesessed with.


Part 2 soon.

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