Days Never End

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Tell me what you guys think of it so far! I aim to please!(:



Chapter Three

"Alright, this is your homework for the night, so don't forget to do it." my math teacher tells the class, I forgot his name. He hands me a bunch of papers to pass back to my row. I turn around and find Christian staring at me very suspisciously. What is he doing?

"Here you go." I say and turn back around to face the front and work on my homework before the bell rings. His breathing makes it impossible to do so. It smells so sweet and kind of like copper from a penny? No not that, but something like that.

Okay, just focus Blake, this isn't hard its simple. I look at problem number one. Okay, if six goes into three two times, then how many times does thirty six go into seven, is that even possible? Before I know it I have read the problem at least three times when Christian says in my ear, "What are you doing after school?" Oh, his ice cold breath makes me shiver. He is so siductive.

I relax a little and try to get my voice to become calm before I answer him.

I turn to him and see his eyes watching my lips as I say, "Having some unpacking to do."

His face changes as I answered him. It becomes sad, a little loneyly. Why? "Why?" I snap mot meaning too.

"Well, I thought you might want to get some coffee or something?" He asks so calmly.

"Umm, I will have to go home first, but I could meet you?" Am I being to eager? Maybe I should bail and tell him I can't. "Actually, I can't I have to do something after school. Sorry." What?

He just asked me to go to coffee and now hes ditching me? Maybe he has a girlfriend or something.

I stutter for words but the bell covers up my breath and I dart for the door carrying my books and papers along with me not letting Christian get to me.

Why hadn't he want to go to coffee now? He had just asked me, was it because I had to go home? What was his deal anyways? What is my deal? Im making this a big deal, like always. Great.

I think about it some more as I walk to my locker to the other building. I quickly follow a group running toward the other door. I catch it before it closes all the way when I here my name being shouted.

"Blake! Blake Wait!" It sounds like Christy so I wait.

It is, I turn and I find her in jeans running toward me.

"Hey, where have you been all day?" She asks me with breath leaving her lungs.

I smile at her feeling warm when I see she is mot mad. "Ive been lost all day." I laugh and tell her  about my day and how I couldn't find any of my classes. We finally reach my locker and she watches me unlock it, I throw my books in the metal container and grab my bag and my geometry homework and we leave the building to the school.

"So, what are your plans for today?" Christy asks me as we walk out toward the parking lot. "Umm, I have to unpack still. I might have to go back to Chicago to get the rest of my things this weekend so Im not sure." I tell her my plans and she doesn't like them. 

"You can come and hang  with us at like three. I'll text you the address. Its sort of by where I work." She tells me more than asks me. Thats what I like about Christy she is so demanding. I smile at her actions and we go our separate ways toward our cars. 

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