White Hat

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Everyone (you,Vincent,Black Hat and White Hat) all soon went to Balck Hat's office.

Black Hat sat down and let out a groan "Sit down,all of you."

We all sit down,I had no idea what was going on. I just hope that he explains who this.

"So as you two should know by my outburst earlier,this is my brother." He says as he points to the man in white.

White Hat smiles and then turns and winks at me. I blush and look down at my hands. I think feel someone grab my chin and lift it up to look at the person. It was White Hat,and he was just staring into my (e/c) eyes.

I then hear a slam on the desk next to me and I jump. I look over to see Black Hat glaring,not at me. But his brother.

"Stop touching my cook" he demanded. "She is not your play thing. And she never will be."

I look over to my left and see Vincent's eyes starting to turn red and twitch. 'uh oh this is not gonna turn out good' I thought to myself.

As things were about to get intresting,we heard some shouting then the door swung open to reveal,"Bruxa Hart!?"

Hi everyone! Like I've said before I need art for this!!! And i need someone to PLEASE do a Bruxa Hart one bc I only have one pic of her😭 and I need more!!

-The Weirdo

Black Hat x Reader x Purple guy (Vincent)Where stories live. Discover now