Its Time Pt.1

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As the trio were walking threw the broken down mansion they hear people around them screaming and running for their lives. Little do any of those people running from the lava monster,do they know that there is a bigger threat then the giant.

(Y/N) is walking in the middle of Vincent and Black Hat. Black Hat being on her right and Vincent on her left(ha... Captain America joke😎)

Vincent looks over to Black Hat with a small glare. Black Hat looks back at him with a questioning look then his eyes go wide,then he just looks down in dissapointment.

(Y/N) looks up at Vincent and says "I'm so sorry Vincent. About your dad, and all of this being just,gone.. I didn't know. And if i did,i would have said something." (Y/N) looks down with a saddened look on her face. Just wishing she could have done something. But yet she has no idea how to fight,use a weapon of any kind and on top of that she doesn't have any kind of cool powers like Black Hat and White Hat.

"(Y/N).. Its fine.. The only person who could have known any of this was my dad and Black Hat. The only thing we can do is to try and fix this." Vincent said with annoyance in his voice.

There was silence for a while. Until they heard someone or something coming their way. Black Hat quickly picks (Y/N) up bridal style while Vincent on the other hand, looks at Black Hat with the '-_-' face. Black Hat quickly smirks at Vincent and then they get ready for whatever to attack.

They wait a few seconds for the 'thing' to attack.. But there was never anything. (Y/N) looks down and see's two little rabbits.

One of them seemed to be really small and black and white. The other one was a bit bigger but not by much, she was white with a hint of grey fur and had floppy ears and long fur on the back of her head.

(Y/N) quickly leaps down from Black Hat taking safe and small steps to the rabbits to not scare them. She then squats down and slowly starts to move to the rabbits with care.

The black and white one seems to take a liking to the girl faster then the other one. She walks over to her and sniffs her hand then starts to lick her fingers then,hops into her lap and looks up at her. Almost as if she we're smiling up at her.

The other soon came up to her and tried to nudge the other one off of her lap. (Y/N) giggled at how cute and funny they were. They just had so much personality. The noses were (Y/n's) favorite thing about these rabbits. They would not stop going up and down!

Soon (Y/N) felt a hand on her shoulder. She soon looked up and saw Black Hat looking at her with a loving look then looks at the rabbits. They slowly come up to him and sniff his hand and soon the white,bigger one hops up onto him. You can hear a faint "Oh!" Then a little giggle. You blushed knowing this was the first time you have ever heard him have a genuine laugh.

Then Vincent soon came over to you and the rabbits. And sat next to you. You looked up at him and then soon looked back down at the rabbits.

Soon the little rabbit that was in your lap just got up and jumped into Vincent's lap. He looked down at the rabbit and got in its face and soon the rabbit was licking his stubble. And he just started laughing out loud. This warmed your heart a million times over as you felt a blush on your cheeks,you got a bad feeling about something coming. And this time.. It wasn't a rabbit. "We need to go. Now." You said with fear and dominance in Your voice and actions.

The two men looked at eachother and then at you and nodded. They soon get up with the rabbits following close behind but to the side so they can hide from any type of predators.

You soon feel your feet fly up off the ground. And you go flying into the air away from the men that you were with just moments ago.

You soon see a dark figure. 'Oh no.. It's him.. Not him again... I cant do anything!' You started panicking.

You soon got face to face with this man known as 'Vendetta'. "Ahh. Miss (Y/N) I have been waiting a very long time to meet up with you. I just dont know why its so bad to just,have a 'talk' with you."

You didn't know why this man out of all people wanted you. But he wanted you for something different.. You soon found out that he wanted to give you this 'power' that he has. But he claimed that you have some sort of.. Power inside of you as well.. And it was a power that he needed to become stronger then ever.

You soon look at him as if he were crazy. "I dont have any power in me!" You said. The man just laughs.

"Yes,yes you do little one. I can sense it. And I am NEVER wrong about these types of things."

"...well then.. If you want it.." You started without thinking. "Then come and get it!"

(Play this.. Its fun)

He soon got angry and said "very well then.. I guess I'm going to have to beat it out of your dead body!"

He then dropped you from hundreds of feet up in the air to only be caught by Vincent.

"What the hell is happening (Y/N)!?..." He Soon went quiet as soon as he saw your face.

"W-what? Is there something on me?" You asked.

He shook his head and said "your eyes.. Your eyes are black.

Hahahahaha!!!! Im back!!! I liiiiivvvvvveeeee!!! With another cliff hanger and a plot twist.. Your welcome!!!~

-The weirdo

Black Hat x Reader x Purple guy (Vincent)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon