It's Time PT.3

125 0 12

Black Hat's P.O.V

I wake up in rubble,and protecting a small white rabbit underneath me. I pick up the small creature and check to see if she is still breathing. Thankfully she was and she slowly woke and licked my hand as if she were thanking me.

I smile a bit due to the sweet little kiss from the rabbit and put her down.

I get up and look around. My head was pounding and then it hit me.


I completely forgot about everything.. How could I?.. I care about that woman.. I'm still not too sure why. I just do.

I start speed walking in a random direction to just find maybe Vincent or hopefully find (Y/N) that is until I hear a hellish scream.

"Oh hell.." I say to myself and then start running in the direction of the scream with a little white rabbit in toe.

(Y/N) P.O.V

I see Vincent turn into that hellish ghost like thing from before when he got mad.. It scared me.. With the claws, the teeth... Everything about it scared me...

My rabbit, Sif ran to me and i picked her up in fear that she would be killed and i try getting some distance between me and the two men about to go at it. But before i could move I felt this power take over my body.

'Oh no..' I thought to myself.
'I cant move' I started panicking.

Vincent looked at me with his blood red eyes. And all i could do is look at him with my pleading (E/C) eyes.

He then did his best to try and attack Vendetta. He went after him and missed. He right threw him.

I then felt something strange in my body.. 'Something is about to happen.. And i cant stop it!' I thought.

Then everything went black.


(Y/N)'s eyes went black once more and broke out of her invisible shell.

(Play this😎)

She flew at Vendetta with the speed of light. Vincent just stared in disbelief of what he just saw.

Black Hat was still running when he felt a VERY strong gust of wind go past him. As the wind went by, the rabbit next to him went flying due to the wind. He acted fact and caught her. And just watched the 'wind' somemore to see what it was.. Then he saw (Y/N) "Oh my God.." He said.

He sat down and watched. Until he felt a had on his shoulder. It was Vincent. He was normal again.

"We need to find a way to help. But im not too sure if and how we can.." He said.

Black Hat just looked down. 'Please dont die (Y/N)' he thought to himself.

(Y/N) was fighting off Vendetta with the speed of dark light. And all he was doing was laughing until (Y/N) stopped for a moment to catch her breath.

Black Hat x Reader x Purple guy (Vincent)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora