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"Hello my son"

"Dad?" Vincent says still in shock. "How are you alive? Where did you go all those years ago? Why did you leave me and mom?" The questions just kept on spilling out of his mouth as he started to walk closer to the dark figure.

You stepped in front of Vincent to keep him from getting closer to his 'dad'

Black Hat the put his hand on Vincent's shoulder and took a deep breath.

"Look,Vincent... Your dad is not the same.. He is gone. Whatever he is now,is not him. He used to be better then this. And how i know? Is because me and him used to be friends before you were born"

Vincent looked at him baffled and just couldn't believe this at all.

"What are you talking about?" Vincent said with tears in his eyes.

Black Hat sighed and began to speak. "Vincent,as you know, as i said that me and your father were friends before your time. And during that time we came across this weird and strange man who touched him on the shoulder and gave him some kind of strange power. It not only scared me but scared him too. He didnt want this,then he claimed he felt a power growing inside of him and said to tell your mother sorry and that he would leave and never see you again. But as of now,he has been trying to attack and use (Y/N) as a power source and to be honest with you.. I dont think we could save him even if we tried."

Vincent sat there baffled and hurt. He looked at his father with rage and began to run towards him with rage and his knife. The man disappeared and Black Hat looked at (Y/N) with worry.

"We need to get you somewhere safe and away from him"

(Y/N) nodded with fear and confidence and went with them. Little did any of them know,that the man was lurking around watching and waiting

Black Hat x Reader x Purple guy (Vincent)Where stories live. Discover now