what if North korea was ur dad?

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Your 4 y/o in this.



You called silently feeling as tears prick the corner of your eyes.

You were standing inside your father's bedroom right now because apperantly it was raining and it was cold and the thunder claps were scaring the shit out of you.

The country tossed and turned not hearing his toddler's cry.

You sniffled silently afraid on waking him up though you wanted to.


But then a clap of thunder irrupted from the skies scaring you shitless.

You let out a loud scream toppling over which caused you to land on your bum.

Tears were now flowing freely as you pulled your knees onto your chest trembling in fear.

But then you felt a warm embrace scooping you up from your vulnerable position.

"Y/N..... you shoud've woken me up."

You were scared that he would yell at you. That's why you never really bothered on waking him up.

"I-i'm sorry a-appa... it was j-just that.."

You sniffled again slowly calming down as you were now feeling safe trapped around your fathers protective hold.

"Y-you always get a-angry when i-i disturb you..."

Just then guilt consumed your fathers features. Letting out a sigh he pulled you closer and adjusted you a little so you could lie comfortably onto the bed.

"I'm sorry if you felt that way little one."

He sighed placing a soft kiss on your forehead making you feel woozy and tired.

"I may not always show, it but i do care for you."

He whispered silently watching you slowly fall asleep.





I dunno what im doing....

K bye