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Nobody. Nobody was at the trailer door, just a note. On the outside of the envelope, it read:
Veronica Lodge
I picked it out of Jughead's hands, opening it. He looks at me expectantly. I read it.
Dear Veronica Lodge,
I know where you are currently. Your father is Hiram, mother is Hermione Lodge. Precious boyfriend is named Jughead Jones. Ex-best friend Betty Cooper, ex-boyfriend Archie Andrews.
I begin to panic inside, but maintain a straight face so Jughead won't panic.
You must do as I say whenever I call you. If you see "Unknown" call you, answer. It's me. Do as I say, or the person closest to you will suffer the same fate as Jason Blossom.
I steady my breathing, folding the letter. I put it in my pocket.
"Just some letter from a friend back in New York." I lie convincingly. I smile at him, and he looks at me suspiciously.
"Yeah, okay."
Veronica's POV
I walk through the school, trying to avoid Jughead, Cheryl and Toni at all costs. Until I remember I have four periods with Toni.
A pit forms in my stomach, and I stop in my tracks.
I turn around, contemplating whether I should leave or not when an arm wraps around my waist. I gasp in shock, turning around to see Jughead. The one person I needed to avoid most. I look down, averting his gaze.
"You've seemed off ever since that letter arrived. Anything I should know?" His warm voice almost convinced me to tell him everything, but he was in danger if I did so. I shook my head slowly, gulping down a lump that had formed in my throat.
"You sure?" He coaxed, his fingers tracing the hem of my dress. I grabbed his jacket, pulling him into a deep kiss as I wrapped an arm around his neck. He waits a split second, and he kisses me back. I pull away, dragging him out of school.
A Few Moments Later
I pull him onto Pop's front porch.
"The letter wasn't from a friend in New York, it was a threat letter to me, saying if I didn't do exactly what the person told me, you'd be hurt, and I couldn't let that—" I race on in a whisper-yell, before getting caught off guard by the sound of a gunshot. I don't know what's happening, I just see Jughead's shocked face, his eyes brimming with tears as I fall, and I see him on the phone with bloody hands. I look over to see I'm bleeding a lot out of a space between the start of my right shoulder and my collarbone. I can't hear Jughead, the only things I could make out were:
"It'll be okay."
"Love you."
And I blacked out.
Same Situation
Jughead's POV
I hear a gunshot, and blood starts pouring out of Ronnie's shoulder, and shock and fear spread across my entire face. Fear grips my heart like an iron hand, holding tightly.
I catch Ronnie, trying to stop the bleeding with my hands. I immediately call an ambulance, and they take almost ten full minutes to get to Pop's.
The first people I see rush into the hospital about five minutes after getting there were Cheryl and Toni. Both were crying, and sat next to each other to my left. We all cried together.
The next few hours were full of pain, misery and anticipation until Hiram and Hermione Lodge arrive. An hour of crying with Hermione, Cheryl, and Toni passes. A nurse comes in, quieting is all down.
"She's going to live. She might not wake up for a few days, however." The nurse smiles warmly, exiting back into the hallway.
A huge smile breaks out on my face, and the iron fist around my heart seems to shatter. I can hear myself breathe again, and I let out a sigh of relief and happiness. Cheryl, Toni and I all hug each other tightly.
Three Days Later
Veronica's POV
I woke up in a hospital bed, my head throbbing and shoulder aching. I look over to see it covered in white gauze. My vision is fuzzy, but I can make out a nurse come into my room and say something. The next thing that happens, my parents come in. Both of them. My vision clears and I see my mother's face, tears running down her cheeks as she pulls me into a tight hug. I see my father's straight face, and for once I see care and concern in his deep eyes. He nods at me, and my parents exit.
The next people who come in make me smile hugely.
Cheryl and Toni rush in with chocolate and flowers, and I grin at them. They rush on talking, and I do too, until fifteen minutes later the nurse asks them to leave. Apparently someone else was here to visit.
I turn my head to see Jughead walk in, his eyes bloodshot and filled with happiness and love, and I can't help but tear up and smile as I see him.
He rushes to my side, kissing my forehead. He grins at me, a tear dripping down his cheek. His thumb is grazing my cheekbone, his hand on my jaw. My hand is in his, and I graze over his bags underneath his eyes. Cheryl and Toni had told me that Jughead only left the hospital when his dad dragged him out, and that was yesterday. He was the first to arrive after hearing I'd woken up according to Toni, but he'd  known my parents were coming and let them visit first.
My heart melted at the sight of the caring, gentle, and fantastic person I'd fell in love with.
OMFG SO CUTE. I CANT EVEN AND IM THE ONE WHO WROTE THE CHAPTER. Y'all if u don't think this chapter is either #relationshipgoals or the cutest thing ever there's something wrong with u (no offense).
As always, requests are open. See you next time my lovelies!! 💞
Word count: 1021 {unnecessarily proud of myself for reaching past 1000}

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