Nick St. Claire

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Me and Ronnie sat, cuddled up on my trailer's couch. Her head was on my chest, my chin on the top of it. Her arms were wrapped around my waist, my arms around her shoulders. Our legs were entangled, and my heart fluttered every time she moved in her sleep. Either she was adjusting herself more into my chest, or entangling our legs even more so.
For almost an hour, I listen to her breathing. Calming me down, I smile to myself, closing my eyes as I breathed in her scent.
(That's totally normal)
I kiss the top of her head slowly, gently, before falling asleep.
Veronica's POV
I woke up in Juggie's arms, and I successfully released myself from him without waking him.
I check my phone, only to see a message from an unknown number.
Meet me at Pop's. 10 minutes.
Who is this??
You'll see.
I shivered, gathering up my jacket and leaving the trailer.
A few moments later, I have my hands in my jacket pockets. I'm freezing as I approach Pop's seeing a very much missed face.
"Nicky!" I yell, and he faces me. He smiles, and I run over to him, arms wide. He hugs me tight, and I hug back. I release him, still unable to process he'd come here.
"Nicky, what are you doing here?" I ask happily.
"Well, who wouldn't give up an excuse to see their favorite person. Not to mention, our parents are organizing us to be betrothed."
"What?" I ask, shocked. What about Jughead?
"Yeah. I didn't have much of a say in it, but I do have to say, you got a lot sexier since last year." He smirks, placing his hand on my hip. I try not to show my fear, so I smile. He winks, bringing me into his limo.
A Few Minutes Later
We're in Nick's room, and I'm sitting in his comfortable chair. He walks over to me, kneeling. His hand is dangerously high on my thigh, a smirk plastered on his face.
"Nick, stop."
"Aw, c'mon, Ronnie. Let's have a bit of fun." He says, moving closer to me.
"Seriously Nick, stop." I try to keep my confident voice, but I falter slightly when his other hand goes onto my neck.
"Nobody likes serious... that whole betrothment thing wasn't."
He made it up?!
"Nick, seriously, s-stop. I don't w-want to do this." I say shakily, maintaining a slightly confident figure. My heart beat wildly in my chest, fear rising in my stomach.
He's closer now. I feel his breath on my neck.
"Ronnie, c'mon... we all know that Jughead guy's cheating on you..."
At this, anger replaced the fear by ten times. I shove him, and he hits the bed. He groans in pain. My powerful, demanding figure is back as I stand confidently.
"Jughead never cheated on me. Never will. Fuck off, St. Clare." With this, I walk swiftly out of the building. I'm at a park somewhere when I realize I don't know where I am nor where I'm going. I sit on a bench, and start to cry. Tears flow out from all of my fear and anger. Mostly fear, I could tell, because my legs were shaking madly. My whole body was.
"Veronica?!" I hear a yell. I look up, misty-eyes, to find a fuzzy Betty. She runs over to me, and gives me a long, comforting hug. "What happened?!"
"N-Nick... he-he tried to... to..." I trail off, sobbing. She understands, hugging me tighter.
"It's okay, Ronnie. We don't have to tell anyone about this. It's our little secret. You're safe now. I'm here." She comforts.
"Thank you, B-Betty. I'm s-so sorry, for e-everything." I say shakily, and she shakes her head.
"No, no, I'm sorry, I was a jerk. The truth is, you're the best friend I've ever had, Ronnie."
I smile weakly, and she helps me up.
"Let's go to my house." She says, and I nod. She carefully leads me over to the house, which, I found out, wasn't even a mile away. When we get there, all the Coopers are gone. Betty sits me on the couch, and we sit together laughing and enjoying the movie Night School.
The Next Day
I dread going back to Jughead's trailer, but I have to. Betty wants to have me stay, but her parents won't let her. I make my way slowly to Jug's trailer, and when I arrive, he's standing at the door. He runs down to me, and embraces me. I'm frozen, the pit of fear, dread and guilt in my stomach.
"Ronnie, I'm so glad you're okay."
I don't respond.
"Yeah? Sorry, I-I zones out." I reply shakily. He looks at me weird.
"You seem off."
"I'm fine, I promise Juggy." I reply, gaining back my composed figure. He nods, smiling. "I'm gonna go meet up with Cheryl. She had something to tell me." He said, walking to his motorcycle.
"Okay, bye, Jug."
He smiles, riding off.
"I love you." I say weakly.
Then I remember.
Cheryl and Betty are the only people I told about Nick. Cheryl was going to tell Jughead.
And I couldn't stop her.
Jughead's POV
I arrive at Thornhill, and Cheryl opens the door solemnly.
"Come in. I have... news."
We sit in front of the fire, and Cheryl starts speaking.
"It's about Ronnie. She had a friend, Nick St. Claire, see her yesterday. They went back to his house, and..." she trails off before continuing again. "He tried to rape her."
Everything froze. I seem stiff as I fill with anger, my lips parted, eyebrows creased in anger.
"What the fuck?!" I yell, standing up in pure rage.
"Jughead, stop!" Cheryl says, standing too. She forces me to sit down, and she does too.
"Ronnie didn't want you to know. She knew... she knew what you'd do. She only told Betty and I." Cheryl says steadily. "Trust me, I want more than anything to go over there and beat that fucking perverted bastard to a bloody pulp... but we can't."
"And why is that?"
"Because Ronnie will never forgive me. Us. You."
I nod, exiting Thornhill.
"Please, keep my Ronnie safe." Cheryl says. I nod determinedly, and set off to my trailer.
When I get there, I see someone kneeling in front of an extremely fearful and shaky Ronnie on my couch, his hand high on her thigh and the other on her neck. . .

Jeronica-Hold Me TightDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora