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Veronica's POV
I was in my bathroom, painting my nails when I felt it.
The worst cramp I've ever felt erupted in my stomach, and I almost screamed in pain. Jughead wasn't home, and I had no one to help me. I grimaced, groaning loudly as I sank to my knees. I fell onto the toilet, and my shorts fell down. I saw the inside covered with blood, and I checked my underwear. Blood. I was on my period. But how could I be? I was pregnant. I called the first person I trusted in my contacts.
Ring. Ring. Ri—
"Veronica?" Kevin asked.
"Kev, I need you to get to Jug's trailer now— something's wrong with the baby." I said shakily, and he hung up. Barely a minute later, he arrived to the front door. He carried me to the car, and sped to the hospital.
In The Hospital Room
Despite my begging, Kevin called Jughead and told him to get to the hospital. He arrived, entering the room with the doctor. I didn't meet his gaze.
"It seems," the softer began sorrowfully, "you've suffered a miscarriage."
I stare at him. It hadn't sunk in. I look at Jughead, and his eyes had filled with tears. I felt empty. I didn't feel sad, nor upset. Until after the doctor left. Jughead broke down sobbing next to me, and it wasn't until I started comforting him when I had too. We sobbed together, the loss of our baby taking a critical hit on both of us.
We lost our child.

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