I'm Sorry

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I immediately hide the shock and fear on my face as I reply.

"I'm fine Juggie. Must've sleep walked."

"Okay, if you say so. I'm going to Pop's for a bit. See you in a few hours." He kisses my forehead, walking away. As soon as I hear the trailer door close, I call Cheryl.

"Cheryl, no time to explain, I need you to get Toni, yourself, Betty, and the most accurate pregnancy tests to Jughead's trailer now."

Two Hours Later

All three of them arrive, and they drop the big bags of pink boxes on the table. They grab the three best tests out of all twenty, leaving the rest in the bag. They hand me the tests.

A few minutes later, the timer goes off. Before flipping the tests over, the girls come in. I flip each of them one by one.

They all had two lines.

I was pregnant.

Tears start flowing from my eyes, and I fall to the floor. They all envelope me in a group hug, and I don't even hear the trailer door open.

Jughead's POV

I enter the trailer with Archie, and he sees the bag of pink boxes first. He runs over to it.

"Do you think Betty's pregnant?" He asks me. Before I can respond, however, I hear small cries coming from the bathroom. We hurry over to see four girls on the floor, one in the middle sobbing.

It was Ronnie.

Then I look at the counter. Three positive pregnancy tests make my stomach sink and heart stop. I dropped my computer on the ground in shock, and it was loud enough to draw everyone's attention. The girls leave quietly with Archie, and Veronica just stares at the floor.

"I'm sorry Jug." She whispers. I almost don't hear her. "I understand if you want to leave. We're too young to have a kid."

I stare at her, horror-struck that she thought I'd leave her. I feel her jump when I hug her tightly, and she stiffens up.

"I would never leave you." I say comfortingly, but she shakes her head.

"I know you want to. Seriously, I understand why you would."

I pull away from the hug, looking her dead in the eyes.

"I'd never leave you, Veronica. Not in a million years, not for the world." At this She sobs into my chest, and I tighten my grip around her shoulders.

"I love you, Juggie."

"I love you too, Ronnie."

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