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The dreams get worse. They're always in third-person, and I have to watch myself get shot every night. Sometimes I swear I've seen black blurs in the corner of my eye, but the problem is I'm frozen still. Every single time the dream repeats, which is every night, I can't move. Dream Veronica can't move. Real Veronica in the dream gets shot and dream Veronica has to just watch.
I can't tell Jughead, or he'll make too much of it. I want to though. I really want to. I started getting the "Unknown" calls that were promised in the letter. I had to break off my relationship with Sweet Pea, Fangs, and Toni so far. But I told them all about it, and I didn't get shot this time.
I finally decide to tell Jughead the truth after two weeks of this happening.
"Jughead..." I begin, shifting my gaze to my twiddling thumbs in my lap. We were in the lounge, waiting for Cheryl and Toni. "Can we talk?"
"Of course." He replies, looking at me affectionately.
I explained everything to him. Every little detail.
He looked at me, shock on his face. He unexpectedly pulls me into a tight hug, and I put my face into his shoulder, letting a few sobs and tears slip out. He hugs me tighter, shushing me comfortingly.
"Shhh... it'll be okay... everything's gonna be okay..." he said soothingly.
OKAY IM SORRY I HAVE WRITER'S BLOCK!!! I'm so so so so so sorry. Ugh I feel so disappointed in myself. Guys this has been really hard for me, because my best friend aka hamster died a few weeks back. I thought I was done grieving but turns out I just got into the fourth stage of grief: depression. So please understand if the chapters are late.
Word count: 306

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