The Fifth Day

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Jughead's POV.
10 hours, 58 minutes, 36 seconds.
I cry at least ten hours a day, not getting any sleep since the second Ronnie went missing. I'm full of sorrow and despair, slumped on my couch with a beer. I down the last of it, throwing it into the pile of the eight others next to me. I bring out a tenth, popping the top off.
Toni enters my room. She steals the beer from my hand and I give her my "what-the-fuck" glare.
"Get your lazy ass up, we're looking for Veronica. Now."
I do nothing but oblige, getting dressed and onto Toni's motorcycle, too drained of energy to ride my own.
We get to Southside High, and start searching.
Two hours in, my despair returns.
"Fuck it!" I yell to Toni. "She's dead! We'll never FUCKING FIND HER!!"
Toni storms over to me angrily. She raises her hand.
I feel a burning pain on my cheek. I raise my hand to my face, noticing she'd slapped me. Her eyes show pure rage.
"We are not fucking stopping. She is my BEST friend, and your girlfriend. Get it together and KEEP HOPE before I have to PUNCH you this time!" She screams, rage burning inside her voice. She points angrily as she speaks, and I, terrified of her, continue looking.
Veronica's POV.
3 hours, 47 minutes, 52 seconds.
The Black Hood enters. He's carrying a chair. To my surprise, he sets it down and sits.
"So, I figured you'd want to know about me, since I've been torturing you for—" he pauses to check his watch—"about 117 hours. Ha!! Well, I'm a father. I'm doing this for my daughter, because you—well, that'd give too much away. Never mind." He starts a new conversation but I don't listen. I watch minutes tick off his watch for two hours.
Jughead's POV
1 hour, 4 minutes, 13 seconds.
We hadn't found anything in SSH, so we start to check all the trailers.
1 hour, 0 minutes, 34 seconds.
We arrive at Toni's trailer. We know we won't find anything, because, well, I'm with her right now. Been with her since the first five minutes of Ronnie's capture. Nevertheless, we search her trailer for clues.
43 minutes, 26 seconds.
We find nothing. We drive to Fang's.
41 minutes, 49 seconds.
Nothing. Sweet Pea's trailer.
40 minutes, 18 seconds.
Again, nothing. My trailer.
36 minutes, 03 seconds.
Obviously, nothing. We drive to Thornhill, knowing it'd take a long time to search. But we had to.
28 minutes, 37 seconds.
We arrive at Thornhill. Begin searching.
12 minutes, 40 seconds.
Nothing. We drive to the Andrews residence.
2 minutes, 10 seconds.
Nothing. We walk to the Cooper's, next door.
2 minutes.
We enter the house, and with Alice's approval, search the whole house but the basement.
1 minute, 20 seconds.
"Hey, Toni!" She takes her sweet time joining me at the start of the basement.
"Let's go down." She says, and we slowly take steps.
Veronica's POV
20 minutes, 13 seconds.
I said something stupid. It irritated the Black Hood so much, he stabbed me.
I screech in pain, my eye bleeding out along with my ribs, stomach, wrists, shin, forehead, cheek and mouth. The blood loss makes me go unconscious. I'm covered in blood. Everywhere.
Jughead's POV
15 seconds.
We begin walking down the steps.
10 seconds.
We reach the third step, continuing to go down.
7 seconds.
We're almost halfway to the bottom.
5 seconds.
4 seconds.
3 seconds.
2 seconds.
1 second.

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