I Hate You

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Veronica's POV
I walk into school, my happy mood being shattered as I see Betty and Jughead. Jughead looks stern, but Betty is beaming. She pulls him into a passionate kiss, and I watch for a few seconds in pain and shock. Cheryl and Toni come up behind me, making me face the other way. I bring my hand to my mouth, tears starting to slip out as Cheryl glares daggers at Jughead.
They walk me out of the school, and onto Toni's bike. We start riding to Pop's for a well-needed milkshake.
Jughead's POV
I'm in school with Betty at the lockers, and she keeps saying how much she missed our relationship. She said we were a great match, and she still likes me.
I scoff at her, telling her off every time she refers to us getting back together. She sees something out of the corner of her eye, and she smirks. I'm about to look over when she pulls me into a deep kiss.
I panic, scared someone will see.
Especially Ronnie.
Veronica's POV
"I knew it. He lied to me..." Ronnie says, letting a few sobs escape her lips. Cheryl takes a long, infuriated drunk of her vanilla milkshake while Toni glares into hers.
"That fucking bastard... he doesn't deserve you, Ronnie." Cheryl almost yells, standing up in fury. I can see rage burning deep in her eyes, and I smile slightly through the tears.
"I can list all the things wrong with him." Toni starts, and before anyone can interrupt her, she begins listing the things.
"He's a liar, a bastard, a heartbreaker, heartless monster, beanie-wearing Casanova, fucking USELESS piece of SHIT!" She screams the last part, standing up with fury as Cheryl had done.
"That little fucking ass doesn't deserve a single hair on your body, Ro—" she gets cut off by someone entering the diner. She stares at the door in shock and anger, and Cheryl does too. I don't need to question who it is when I see rage starting to form in their eyes at the same time.
Jughead's POV
I feel someone's eyes on me, and it's Cheryl glaring. I notice her and Toni are comforting a crying Ronnie, and my heart shatters.
She saw.
They leave, and immediately I run after them. I hop onto my bike, following them to Pop's.
I hear Toni ranting about someone, most likely me, when I enter. She glares daggers at me, her and Cheryl's eyes burning with rage.
I see Ronnie, tears streaming down her cheeks. My stomach sinks.
"Ronnie..." I start. Her head shoots around. She stands, facing me. She wipes the tears from her face, the heartbreak turning quickly into anger.
"I trusted you, Forsythe. I believed you, when you told me you weren't cheating on me. And I see that?!" She says sharply, and my face falls.
"I don't deserve your trust. But that wasn't me. I didn't kiss her." I start. I take out my phone, prepared to show her the recording.
(In the recording)
"Jughead, you should know our relationship was perfect. I still like you, I think we should start dating again."
"No, Betty, I love Veronica. Not you. We're over. Forever."
Betty's face shows no loss of determination as she pulls Jughead into a deep kiss against his wishes.
(End of recording)
"W-What...?" Ronnie says, looking back at me. Her eyes show weakness, heartbreak, and disbelief.
"Please believe me. I wasn't lying when I said I loved you." I start, going to continue before she cuts me off, her eyes on her shoes.
"What...?" It was my turn to be confused.
She looks up at me, hate and sadness in her eyes.
"No. I can't believe you. That recording could've been staged. It probably was. You've done this twice, I decided to forgive you. You know I believe in second chances, but this—this isn't acceptable. I'm sorry, Forsythe. I'm breaking up with you. It's over. I hate you." She states firmly. She walks out of Pop's, Cheryl and Toni following her. I'm shocked, I don't even move when Cheryl and Toni purposefully shove their shoulders into mine. I stand there, and it starts to sink in. My heart shatters, and forgetting I was in public, I drop to my knees, burying my face in my hands as tears soak my palms.
"I hate you." "It's over."
I replay the words in my head over and over, hoping to everything it wasn't real.
"I hate you." "It's over."
It was.
It really was.
Veronica Lodge just broke up with Jughead Jones.
And it left them both heartbroken.

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