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Lsapphy will no longer be collaborating for the time being due to reasons wish to be kept. I, on the other hand, will slowly be updating because I am writing another story that isn't Lapidot or fanfiction, so I'm hoping you'll enjoy that whenever I upload the first chapter.


It was a long, stressful day at work and chewing her tongue was not helping. There were plenty of attempts of her barking back to crude jokes but she needed this job now that Lapis had failed her audition.

She tried to look up other audition forms for music videos or even a team, but neither would pay much to get her out of the apartment complex and away from her boyfriend. The tour with Exiicution would have been perfect, traveling to new sights and paying her to dance. If only she didn't screw it up.

Lapis pocketed the tip from the table that had just left. She looked around her designated area and noticed she only had one more customer to finish serving before she was done for the night. Releasing a deep breath, she strut to the small group and gave a fake closed smile.

"Is there anything I can get you?"

"No, thank you." One of the men smiled, pausing from taking another bite of his fries. He was the politest of the three, calling her ma'am and giving no sort of perverted vibe. "I think we're all good, ma'am."

"Alright, no problem." Lapis waved. "Holler if you need me."

The evening was only beginning. The night shift was bustling around on this Monday evening, serving the joyful customers. Sports stations were the only things viewed on the TV's overhead. Each one a different sport. Wrestling, basketball, football, and even golf made the customers happy. Today, however, was the beginning of football season.

Food was flying around, yells were cursed at the screens and the banging on the tables always made Lapis jolt, but she breathed in slowly whenever she knew everything was fine. Fights would somehow breakout, but she never got inbetween those. She stayed far away from the furious customers.

She looked around now, waiting for her last table to either call her or give her a sign that they wanted their check. French fries dirtied the cement flooring and loud banters deafened her ears. Drunken men sloshed their beers around and one would occasionally drop a bottle.

Lapis thanked God she didn't have to deal with this bullshit.

Once she noticed the table of men gazing the crowd to find her, she lazily skipped over. With her hands on her hips, she gave a smirk at the men. "Care for any desert tonight, boys?"

A bearded man with his beer belly hidden under the table raised a finger and smiled. Although Lapis wanted to go home to sleep, she needed to serve every table with excellent customer service for the tips and to not loose her only job.

"May I have the Chippie Chocolate Fudge Cake?" The man in his probable thirties asked, reading off of the small menu the restaurant propped up on each table.

"Of course you can!" Lapis cheerfully stated, "Anything else?"

And when no one replied, she was back at it again, waiting for the clock to tick slowly for the time of her release. After she waltzed back into the dining area to serve the man his cake, she also placed each booked check on the table. Tick, tick, tock, then her tip and leave.

Groaning as she slammed her beat up Volkswagen's door, she thought about her stay at her apartment. If she would show up at her rightful home, she would surly take the abuse that was waiting for her. It was a Monday and he hated that day.

Hesitating before turning the key into the ignition, she clicked onto her phone. Nothing immediately caught her attention, so she slid on an apps notification and scrolled aimlessly through the posts that were uploaded. When she grew bored of the pictures, she clicked off and into another application, and another.

Checking her phones notifications and ignoring the violent swears her boyfriend messaged her, her eyes landed on an email. A raise of her eyebrow and a small tsk escaped her as she clicked onto the bar to read it in full. She figured she might as well read Exiicution's and his choreographers feedback of her horrid performance to better her next audition.

While scanning her eyes over the digital piece of mail, Lapis felt her body stiffen with each word. Bewilderment settled in as she clenched the phone in her hands. She let out a breath she didn't know she was holding and out came an uncharacteristic squeal.

"Oh my God. Oh my God. Oh my God!" Lapis chanted in the car, stomping her feet. A more than real smile was plastered onto her face. She laughed and gripped the steering wheel with one hand as she continued to read the one sentence over and over.

Congratulations, Lapis Lazuli, you are officially one of the members for Exiicution's dance team.

She didn't mind the constructive criticism at the bottom. It didn't damage her pride. Her hope had been restored and her dreams were set into motion. Lapis, finally, was getting what she earned.


The familiar scent of the crusty old carpet of the apartments floor was all Lapis smelt, that and the irony smell of blood. Beaten from her boyfriends temper, she felt nothing but pain and the ever-growing soreness of her body. But being flailed out on the dirty floor didn't bother her. What was reeling in her mind was the fact that everything she had worked for was finally about to pay off.

Tears brimmed her eyes and she let out a tiny, choked sob. Over all of the pain she felt, she wasn't crying for it. No, she was crying from the pure happiness she hadn't felt in years.

She would never have to feel the wrath of her boyfriends fists again. She would never have to deal with the disgusting customers at work. She would never have to feel the suffer of getting a rejection letter. She would never have to feel like a pathetic failure again.

She couldn't stop the tears. They kept flowing like rivers as relief and glee rested on her chest. She covered her mouth, trying desperately to not wake up her boyfriend with her weeping.

Things were finally changing for the crippling faith Lapis Lazuli had in herself.


(Words: 1040)

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