𝕞𝕪 𝕗𝕒𝕦𝕝𝕥

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You may be wondering why I haven't been posting as often as the first Lapidot book I've made... here's why.

I didn't exactly like this idea, but when I pitched it to my friend who was going to collab with me, I figured it would be fine. Sharing inspo will help.

I haven't been feeling this book. When I was writing 'Her Hurricane', it was easy because it was a normal life instead of a pop star life. I'm sorry if I don't update regularly or I'm disappointing you. Life had been happening and hobbies are fastening.

It's preptober. I need to prepare myself for Nanowrimo next month. I would like to try my best to compete in this challenge but it won't be for a fan fiction. It'll be gay, yes, but it won't be Lapidot. I'm sorry... I don't want to discontinue this story but... I'm known to do that.


^^^ OLD. I'm going to TRY and write more. Though I'm uninspired. I'm sorry. I've just been focusing on my art and work. ^^^


With Peridots arms still holding Lapis up on her feet, they awaited the second bus to stop to pick them up at the gas station. It took a few hours for Greg to turn around and venture from the same street they had completed and steering clear from the mass destruction he had potentially caused.

The others that had witnessed the explosion had found the star, hiking up the road with no shoes or ride. LemonHeads dramatic cries and whines were annoying everybody, including the limited country folk that needed gas or a on-the-road snack. Topaz's guilt was deepening Peridots frown of annoyance and anticipation. She had a hint of her own guilt tugging at her, but she shoved it off of her shoulders for now.

When Greg parked the tour bus in front of a gasp pump, he hurried out to question if everybody was okay. Responses of mutters, groans, and smart remarks were clouded by LemonHeads whining. Peridot was tempted to push her off of the bus and leave her stranded. Lapis, Peridot could tell, considered the options, too.

"Is everyone okay?" Pearl squawked in her worrisome tone as Peridot helped Lapis up the bus's stairs.

"Lapis needs a hospital."

"I do not." Lapis hissed as she set her foot down on the next step. The pain and lack of sleep was making her weak and she found balance and support in Peridot. She didn't want to admit it to anyone or herself that Peridot was actually helping her out a ton. If she wasn't there to help, she'd be crumpled on the ground, unwilling and unable to move.

Amy let out a small snort when she saw a long ghost mask covering Peridots face, but her smile wasn't at all excited to poke fun. Sincere worry lifted her eyebrows. She looked as if she wanted to help, but thought against it.

The other dancers waited in the bus's living room, curious about the novella LemonHead was apart of. They moved out of Peridot's and Lapis's way when Peridot didn't stop to talk. She guided Lapis to the back of the bus and into the room Pearl and Amy shared. Without asking if it was okay, Peridot set Lapis on the bed, left to snatch the first aid kit, and return to aid Lapis's wounds.

"You just changed the bandages."

"That was hours ago, Lazuli." Peridot frowned as she peeled off her mask. Her sharp emerald gaze cut into her, but slid her eyes down to tend her burns and cuts. "I need to change them frequently."

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