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The fun has begun.


It was September, finally. A warm breeze swayed the palm tree leaves and the waves of the sea still carried endless tourists. Many people of different faces and figures walked along the hot sidewalks and posh cars drove with high end shopping bags. A month from now, they would be filming the first episode of season ten for 'Dancing in a Daze' in Hollywood, a city they were closing in on.

It's been two weeks since Lapis left the doctors. She loathed every person around her that felt physically and emotionally fine. She hadn't left her bunk bed since she arrived back into the bus.

The doctors recommended her to take her prescriptions and get plenty of rest, but that's all she could do. She couldn't rise from the bed due to the severe cramps she felt that dug deep into her uterus. Her lower back was stiff, wishing to have sweet relief from a massage it desperately needed.

She wanted to numb the pain in the prescription pills or, better yet, be chained to the bottom of the ocean to drown.

Lapis didn't know what she wanted. Either the pain to subside or just kill herself as a whole. Her moods were flinging from one emotion to the next, never holding one on for long. Her mind was restless and all she wanted was to sleep, but the pain was too strong to ignore.

Exiicution, whenever he was around and not hassled by the other dancers, gave her nutrition and care that she couldn't or wouldn't do for herself. He would give her meals in bed, bought her a heating pad to ease the cramps, and ask her how she was feeling.

She would always give him an attitude. It wasn't her fault, she told herself, it was the mood swings and the endless pain she had. She appreciated what he was doing for her, and curious as to why, but never wanted to admit to it.

She remembered one of the days. It was the middle of the day, between stage rehearsal and preparations for the concert that night. She sat on her top bunk, scrolling aimlessly on her phone while listening to her favorite songs. Unbeknownst to her, Exiicution walked in that day to surprise her with a tray of sweets she had been craving.

"You sing well." Exiicution startled her, ripping off her earbuds. ""You should sing for me."

"Why the fuck would I want to sing to you?"

"Not for me. The radio." Exiicution replied, bringing the tray of deserts in her vision. Her lips parted in surprise and she propped herself onto her elbows, her head almost touching the ceiling of the bus.

"Are you saying you don't sing any of your songs?" Lapis curled her upper lip as she grabbed a piece of fudge from the plate.

Exiicution shrugged, placed the tray next to her, and began to walk away. "If you knew how I sing, you'd know too much."

Lapis chewed the gooey fudge while he left, wondering what exactly he meant by that. If she knew how exactly he sung, could she figure out who he was? Impossible. There were many voices in his remixes. Different pitches, accents, and even genders. But, Lapis decided to ignore it and have her stomach ache from sugar and cramps.

Today was a better day, though. After countless of sleepless nights and restless days, Lapis was finally able to calm her anxiety and pain to sleep for seventeen hours straight. When she woke, it was late at night and the bus was still.

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